We need to see the subjective obstacles encountered by God’s life in our heart – the subjective obstacles in our mind, emotion, and will – and cooperate with God’s central work in this age for His life to grow in us unto maturity so that we may work out of this life, one with […]
See and Deal with the Subjective Obstacles encountered by God’s Life in our Heart
Cooperate with the Inner Energizing God who Operates in us the Willing and Working

In order for us to be one in soul, we need to work out our own salvation by cooperating with the inner energizing God, who operates in us both the willing and the working for His good pleasure; our will needs to be subdued and we need to live a submissive life to the […]
Spending Time with the Lord to do the Digging by Prayer According to His Leading

In order for the divine life to have a free and full flow within us and through us, we need to do the work of digging by prayer; we need to dig away the dirt in our mind, emotion, and will, and we need to do this simply by spending much personal time with the […]
Our will must be Subdued to be in Harmony with God for Christ to Increase in us

When speaking of Christ growing in us we need to realize that, in order for Him to increase within us we need a renewed mind (we need to be renewed in the spirit of our mind) and a submissive will (our will needs to be subdued and be in harmony with God). Having Christ growing […]
staying in the divine romance to become the victory of the overcoming Christ

“The mighty ones” (in Joel 3:11) are produced in the divine romance – just stay with the Beloved, love Him, let Him love you, and you will be produced as a mighty one, an overcomer! Our beloved Lord Jesus is the Mighty One, and His love prevails, His love will break through in us! If […]