The reality of the Body of Christ is the Spirit of reality who is mingled with our spirit, and whenever we turn to our spirit and live in spirit, we live out the Body life in reality. Everything related to God, Christ, and the spiritual and divine things are in the Spirit, for the Spirit […]
Living in Spirit to touch the Spirit of Reality as the Reality of the Body of Christ
The Spirit of Reality Guides us into the Reality of the Triune God and the Divine Things

The Spirit of reality guides us into all the reality, and only that which is in the Spirit of reality is spiritual reality. What is reality? Is our car a reality? Is our house something real? Things which we can see, touch, feel, taste, and apprehend with our physical senses seem real, but they are […]
The Covenant God made with Abraham to Ensure he Believes God’s Promise of the Land

God promised Abraham that He will give him a seed, even though both Abraham and Sarah were in their old age; Abraham believed God, and this was accounted to him as righteousness. However, when God promised Abraham the good land, that all the land he sees in Canaan will be his, Abraham found it hard […]
Exposing man’s fallen concept on the church vs the true nature of the church, the Body of Christ

This article is exposing man’s fallen concept on the church through Satan’s evil intentions, scheme, and operation – and seeing in the Word of God what the true nature/reality of the church is: the Body of Christ! Unfortunately, due to man’s fall there has been a lot of confusion among people concerning what exactly the […]