Like Paul, we impart our own souls to the new believers in Christ, and we exhort them to walk in a worthy way of the Lord for them to enter into the kingdom of God. As we care for the saints in the Lord, we impart not only the gospel to them but also […]
Impart our own Souls to the New Believers and Exhort them to Walk Worthily of God
Do not Seek Glory from Men when Serving the Lord but Cherish and Nourish the Saints

As believers in Christ who serve God in our spirit, we need to not seek glory from man, not assume any authority in the church or in the Lord’s work, and be like a nursing mother toward others, cherishing them and nourishing them. This is how the apostle Paul was when he was with […]
Learning from Paul to Shepherd the Saints in Love in the Church as the Flock of God

We need to learn from Paul to shepherd the saints in love in the church as the flock of God. We need to shepherd people according to the pattern of the apostle Paul, who shepherded the saints as a nursing mother and an exhorting father, taking love as the most excellent way to care […]
Participating in Christ’s Wonderful Shepherding to have a Genuine Revival among us

Praise the Lord, we can participate in Christ’s wonderful shepherding so that we may enter into a genuine revival! We all as believers in Christ need to enter into the burden of shepherding people according to God, following the pattern of the apostle Paul, so that we may bring in a new revival that will […]
Shepherd the Saints as a Nursing Mother and an Exhorting Father for the Church Life

The apostles were a pattern of the glad tidings that they spread, and Paul shepherded the saints as a nursing mother and an exhorting father, imparting to them not only the gospel but even his own soul and life; we need to shepherd the saints in a similar manner. In the Gospels and in other […]
Being willing to be Spent on behalf of the Saints and Exhort them to Walk Worthily of God

The apostles didn’t impart only the gospel of God to the Thessalonians – they also imparted their own souls; they were not just like a cherishing and nourishing mother but also like an exhorting father for the, so that they would walk worthily of God and be able to enter into the kingdom of God. […]
Learning to Cherish the Believers as a Nursing Mother and Not Assuming any Authority

In looking at the pattern of the apostle Paul as one who was one with the Lord in His heavenly ministry to shepherd the saints, we need to learn to cherish the believers and even yearn over them as a nursing mother would cherish and yearn over her own children. On the one hand, the […]