We need to have a new beginning with the Lord every day to “gather the manna”, that is, to enjoy the Lord in a fresh and new way to feed on Him and be nourished with Him in His Word. In the Old Testament – and actually in the entire Bible – the manna was […]
Having a New Beginning every Morning by Contacting the Lord in His word to Eat Him
The Qualifications for Seeing a Vision of God’s Building as seen in Ezek. 40:1-4

The vision of God’s building in Ezek. 40-48 is the culmination and ultimate point of the book of Ezekiel, and for the prophet to have this vision, there were some qualifications; we need to see the qualifications for seeing the vision of God’s building. Ezekiel didn’t receive the vision of God’s building in chapter one […]
We need to See and Experience the Characteristics of Christ as our Daily Manna

When we read the book of Exodus we may have a high appreciation for God delivering His people out of Egypt, the changing of bitter water into sweet, the law was given at Mount Sinai, etc but we may not appreciate the manna too much. But throughout their journey in the wilderness toward the good […]
Having the Lord’s Leading and Guidance through the Spirit and the Living Word of God

In Exodus 13 we see four crucial matters related to Israel’s exodus from Egypt; these are related to our spiritual experience and can be applied to our Christian life today. First, the people of Israel were sanctified unto Jehovah; they were not only redeemed by Him but also sanctified unto Him, set aside unto Him […]
Experiencing the Resurrection Life to be Sanctified and have a New Beginning Daily

We have seen quite number of details regarding Israel’s exodus from Egypt in Exo. 12:29-42 such as being delivered by the saving God with His mighty hand, plundering the Egyptians on their way out, watching with and to Jehovah throughout the night of the Passover, leaving Egypt as an army arrayed for battle, and breaking […]
Having a Daily Life of Eating and Drinking Christ as a Memorial in the New Jerusalem

It is so encouraging to know that we are becoming the NEW Jerusalem! Today we are in the process of being renewed day by day by having God’s element being wrought into us, and we will be so new that we will be called New Jerusalem (Rev. 22:1-2). In our natural man there’s nothing new, […]
a trainee’s testimony – knowing the Lord and His heart, trusting Him and loving Him afresh!
This what I treasure the most after this two years of the training is that I could know the Lord, know His heart toward us, and began to TRUST the Lord (Isa. 41:10) and LOVE HIM afresh (Rev. 2:4). I felt not only restored and shepherded by the Lord, but I could also see more of what is ON HIS HEART. Now I can also say the words of one of the hymns, “God has dream… – Now it is my dream, my vision and life to be”. The Lord longs for a building – He longs that we will be built up in Him [continue reading online]