As believers in Christ who love the Lord’s appearing, we need to not be fashioned according to this age but be transformed by the renewing of the mind, and we should not love the present age but love the Lord and take sides with Him. May the Lord have mercy on us and show […]
We’re being Transformed to Love the Lord’s Appearing and not Love the Present Age
Offer Ourselves as a Living Sacrifice and Offer Christ to God for His Satisfaction

For us to live a life of the continual burnt offering is to be a living sacrifice for God’s satisfaction; we need to worship God with Christ as the burnt offering for God’s satisfaction to fulfil His desire. Amen! God created us in His image and according to His likeness for us to express […]
How we can Cooperate with God to Preserve our Soul and our Body in Sanctification

We need to cooperate with God to preserve our soul in sanctification by clearing the main arteries of our psychological heart, and we need to preserve our body in sanctification by presenting it to Him to live a holy life for the church life. God’s will for us is our sanctification, that we may live […]
Present your body, be Renewed in your mind, and be Burning in spirit for the Body Life

For the church life – the life of the Body of Christ – be realized, our entire being is needed: our body needs to be presented, our soul needs to be transformed, and our spirit needs to be burning. As we enjoy Christ as grace, this grace brings with it the element of certain skills […]
Constantly Offering Ourselves to the Lord as a Living Sacrifice for God’s Satisfaction

Today in our Christian life and church life we should live a life of the continual burnt offering, which means that we need to be a living sacrifice, living a life of consecrating ourselves to the Lord. The fire on the altar of burnt offering had to be kept burning, and it must not go […]
Being Bold and Victorious like Lions toward sin, and Willing to Serve man like an Ox

The four living creatures in Ezekiel 1 are the unique and complete expression of Christ; they have the face of a man (a genuine and proper man), of a lion (boldness, vigor, strength, victory, and reigning), of an ox (willing to labor, bear the burden, and sacrifice), and eagle (powerful, buoyant, and transcendent). The appearance […]
All the Believers are Priests to Serve God with the Offerings that He Desires

The Lord Jesus redeemed us from our sins by His blood and made us a kingdom, priests to our God and Father (Rev. 1:6); the New Testament clearly tells us that all of God’s chosen people, all believers in Christ, are His priests (1 Pet. 2:5, 9; Rev. 5:10). As priests we need to have […]