As believers in Christ who want to follow Him and serve Him, we need to be delivered from money so that, though we may gain spoils from the world, these would be used for the building up of the church and not for our worship of idols. Oh, Lord! The Gospels clearly show us how […]
Being Truly Delivered from Money to Serve God for the Building up of the Church
Exercising to Live a Life of the Continual Burnt Offering for God’s Satisfaction

Today in our Christian life and in our church life there’s a need for the continual burnt offering, that is, there’s the need for a continual consecration, a continual offering ourselves to the Lord. The burnt offering is so significant and wonderful: the entire Divine Trinity is involved in the aspects of this offering, and […]
simple ways of loving the Lord with our first love by giving Him the first place

The church in Ephesus was a “good church” – it was an orderly and a formal church, but God had something against it, that it has left its first love toward the Lord (Rev. 2:4-5). We can be good Christians, church-going believers, and we may read the Bible regularly and claim we are Christians before […]
the basis, motive, meaning, purpose, and result of our consecration to God

We can cooperate with Christ in His heavenly ministry today – in the day of His warfare – by having an absolute and thorough consecration to the Lord. Actually, “the fullness of one’s experience of life depends on the fullness of one’s experience of consecration” (W. Lee, Experience of Life). What is consecration? What is […]
the recovery of living a life of the altar and the tent in the church life today
When God appears to us, when we see Him face to face, something of God is being transfused into us – His element is now transfused into our being. Once this transfusion takes place, there’s something going on in us – the element of God is being infused into every part of our being! Before God appeared to us, we did not have faith or we did not even think of God and His purpose; but when He appeared to us, we have His element transfused into us and infused into every part of our inner being… Slowly, this element saturates us so that we cannot help it but believe! This is faith: the element of God transfused into use, infused into us, and saturating us! [read more online]
Samuel was a man according to God’s heart, God’s mind was his consideration! (university training)
The central work of God is to work Himself into His chosen and redeemed people. In order for this to happen, He needs our consecration. To consecrate ourselves to the Lord is to consent to God’s working in and on us, to consent to God’s using us, and to consent to God’s directing our ways. […]
Knowing the Central thought of God and Living a life for the fulfillment of God’s eternal purpose

I would like to share my enjoyment from the blending meeting that we attended for the past three days. Our God is a God of purpose. He selected us, He predestinated us, He redeemed us, He saved us and He is transforming us for His purpose. Now His purpose must become our purpose, and we must […]