According to Ezek. 36:26, for the inward recovery of His people God gives them a new heart and a new spirit; in His organic salvation God revives us, renews our heart, and gives us a heart to love Him, and He gives us a new spirit to receive and contact Him. On the negative side, as […]
The Lord Gives us a New Heart to Love Him, a Soft and Pure Heart that Loves Him
Growing in Life for our Transformation in Life to be Designated the Sons of God

The desire of God’s heart is to have many sons who are conformed to the image of Christ, His Firstborn Son. From eternity past, Christ as the second of the Godhead was the only begotten Son of God, possessing only divinity; through incarnation, Christ put on humanity, and in His resurrection He brought His humanity […]
we are earthen vessels containing a priceless treasure, the Christ of glory!
When God shines on us through the speaking of His Word, the glory of God in the face of Christ is being infused into us to become the indwelling treasure in our spirit (see 2 Cor. 4:6-7; 1 Pet. 3:4). This is so wonderful! We are earthen vessels – worthless, fragile, temporal, ephemeral, and passing away – but we contain a priceless treasure – the face of Christ, the person of Christ, the image of God Himself – in our spirit (2 Cor. 2:10)! There is nothing more precious and valuable in the whole universe than beholding the face of Jesus [read more online]
The significance, the preciousness, and the enjoyment of birthright in God’s economy(testimony about the 2010 Poland camp)
Just the title is filled with a wow-factor that gives me goosebumps. Saints, did you know, that you have a BIRTHRIGHT? Yes, and what a right that just for having been born has been given to you. The right to the priesthood, the kingship and the double portion of the land. What does that mean, […]