The lack of fearing God is terrible – it is the source of all kinds of lawlessness; we need to know the living God and realize He is not mocked but rather He sees everything and judges everything by manifesting everything. On one hand we need to love God with all our heart and soul […]
When we Fear the Living God, we will Walk in His Ways to Live God and Express God
We need to Love God with our whole Being and Fear God to be Sanctified unto Him

For us to be the proper kind of persons who care for what God cares in our organic union with Him, we need to love God and fear God, loving God with all our being and having a proper fear of God. Amen! It is crucial for us to realize that God wants us to […]
Experience Christ as the One in whom All Treasures of Wisdom and Knowledge are Hidden

All the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden in Christ as the mystery of God; only God is wise, only He has the highest knowledge, and all knowledge and wisdom are in Christ. In particular, there’s so much wisdom and knowledge related to the history of God, the “stories” of God in Christ. Christ […]
a normal healthy fear of God keeps us from God’s judgement(podcast #35 from ageturners)
We need to have a healthy normal fear of God in order for us to be preserved and sanctified in our daily living. The Lord is coming and He will judge the righteous and the unrighteous. What is it that motivates us to fear Him in the most healthy and proper way? As young people […]