Hallelujah, Christ as a grain of wheat was glorified in His resurrection to be enlarged and expanded, and we all are included in the divine-human incorporation of God and man! We can experience, enjoy, and express Christ as the grain of wheat; through His resurrection, Christ was glorified to become a life-giving Spirit, regenerate us […]
How Christ as a Grain of Wheat was Glorified in His Resurrection to be Enlarged
Contacting the Lord in our Limiting Situations to Experience Him as the Wheat

The good land is a land of wheat – here we enjoy and experience the all-inclusive Christ as the limited Jesus, the One who has incarnated, crucified, and buried, and who live such a life for Him to be reproduced and multiplied. Praise the Lord for this wonderful type of the good land which shows […]
as the constituents of the Vital Groups, we are members of Christ, brothers of Christ, and prophets of God!
On the one hand, the first three items of the constituents of the vital groups are the believers in Christ, the disciples of Christ, and the witnesses of Christ. Furthermore, the next 3 items which are that constituents of vital groups are the members of Christ, the brothers of Christ, and the prophets of God. […]
even as He is, we will be – His reproduction, His duplication!
I really enjoyed John 12:24 this morning Truly, truly I say to you, unless the grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it abides alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit. In the physical world, if you take a grain of wheat and put it anywhere else but in the ground/earth, […]