Hallelujah, in His resurrection Christ became the Spirit for us to receive Him as the holy breath simply by calling on His name day by day! God’s intention is to gain a corporate God-man for His corporate manifestation in this universe; what He desires is not a good man but a God-man, a man of […]
In Resurrection Christ became the Spirit for us to Receive Him as the Holy Breath!
The Transformations of the Triune God in His Becoming a God-man to Accomplish His Economy

In His economy, God became a man in the flesh through His incarnation so that man might become God in the Spirit through transformation for the corporate expression of God in man; for this, God moved in man by the transformations of the Triune God for the accomplishment of His eternal economy. Hallelujah! In Christ, […]
The Reality of the Body is Living a God-man Life by a Group of Believers with Christ

The reality of the Body of Christ is the union and mingling of God and man to live out a corporate God-man; it is living a God-man life by a group of God-redeemed people together with the God-man Christ. The only life that satisfies God and is a delight to Him is the life that […]
We Put on the New Man by Putting on the Community Life of the New Man, the Church Life

As believers in Christ who have seen something of God’s eternal purpose and desire to gain the one new man, we need to put off the old man and put on the new man, that is, put on the community life of the one new man. We need to cooperate with the Triune God to […]
The Church is a Corporate One New Man, a Corporate God-man Fulfilling God’s Purpose

The church is a corporate one new man, a corporate God-man, a universal man who fulfills God’s purpose of expressing God and representing Him. On the one hand, the church is the Body of Christ, and we need to take Christ as our life and everything for the Body, realising that we are members of […]
Praise the Lord, we are Becoming the Reality of “God is There”, the New Jerusalem!

The very last verse of Ezekiel says that the name of the city from that day shall be, Jehovah is there; when God gains the holy temple and the holy city in the holy land, the name of that city is, God is there – God’s presence is with man, and man is in God’s […]
New Jerusalem is a Corporate God-man, the Consummation of the High Peak of Revelation

The consummation of the central vision of God’s economy and of the high peak of the divine revelation is the New Jerusalem (Rev. 21:2, 9-11); the new Jerusalem is a corporate God-man and the consummation of the high peak of the divine revelation. The central vision of God’s economy is the experience of Christ as […]