We need to see and realise that God desires to have a dwelling place on earth with man, and the goal of His salvation is the building of His dwelling place on earth; the church is the place of God’s throne and the place where He dwells with His people. In Ezekiel 43:1-7 we see […]
The Church is the Place of God’s Throne and the Place where He Dwells with His People
The Goal of God’s Eternal Purpose is to have a Corporate People as His Dwelling Place

It is quite amazing to be enlightened by the Lord and realize that the entire Bible, from Genesis to Revelation (including the book of Exodus, which we are studying now) speaks concerning God’s eternal purpose, and that the goal of God’s eternal purpose is to have a corporate people to be His dwelling place for […]
The Breastplate is Central Point of the Priesthood: God’s Leading is in the Church

This week in our crystallization-study of Exodus we come to the matter of the breastplate – the central and ultimate point of the priesthood. In Exodus 28, when the priesthood is introduced, there’s a great emphasis on the garments the priest wore; these garments signify our living as priests to God – our living must […]
A Built-Up Church has the Mingling of God and Man and the Divine Nature (nothing natural)

The more you read the Bible from the beginning to the end, having God’s economy glasses on and being open to the Lord to unveil you and speak to you concerning His purpose, the more you realize: wow, the whole Bible speaks of only one thing! God desires to get a building, a mingling with […]
A Built-Up Church has God’s Rule, the Flow and Supply of Life, and God’s Light

The church today is a miniature of the New Jerusalem, and the main characteristics of the New Jerusalem should be seen today in a built-up church. First of all, the New Jerusalem has the presence of God – God is with man, dwells with man, and is one with man. In the church today the […]
A Built-up Church Has the Presence of God – God’s Presence is Everything to us

After seeing that God’s desire and His focus today is to build up the church for the preparation and bringing in of the New Jerusalem, we need to continue to see the conditions of a built-up church today as depicted by the conditions of the New Jerusalem. The church is the miniature of the New […]
in the local churches God is recovering the practical building up of the church for His return
God’s ultimate intention and His heart’s desire is to gain the earth – for this He must obtain a built-up church to be the house of God(where He could dwell and be expressed fully) and the city of God(where He could rule and reign). Everywhere in the Bible and especially in the Psalms we see […]