As believers in Christ, we may become a reproduction of Christ as our model; He is our model, the underwriting, which we can trace and copy in our daily living not by outwardly imitating Him but by inwardly enjoying Him, partaking of His riches, and letting Him be revealed in us, make His home in […]
Enjoy the Riches of the Divine Life to become a Reproduction of Christ as our Model
We Believers are Slaves Serving the Lord with the Spiritual Gifts He has Given us

We believers in Christ are slaves serving the Lord with the spiritual gifts He has given to us. As believers in Christ, we have a dual status before God: from the aspect of life, we are virgins growing in life, loving the Lord, and being filled with the Spirit, and from the aspect of service, […]
Being Absolutely in the Resurrection Life having the Resurrected Christ as our Life

In order for us to be in the reality of the Body of Christ, we need to be absolutely in the resurrection life of Christ, having the resurrected Christ as our life, our living, and the resurrection life within us, and serving the Lord in and by the resurrection life. Amen! We believers in Christ […]
Pilgrims on Earth Live the Life of the Altar and the Tent waiting for New Jerusalem

As believers in Christ who walk in the steps of our father Abraham’s faith, we must live the life of the altar and the tent, taking Christ as our life and the church as our living, realizing that we don’t belong to this world but our home is the New Jerusalem, the city which has […]
Lay Hold on Eternal Life to Which we are Called to Fight the Good Fight of the Faith

As believers in Christ who love Him and pursue Him both personally and corporately, we fight the good fight of the faith by laying hold on the eternal life; we lay hold on eternal life by living by this life so that we may be able to fight the good fight of the faith. As […]