The romance in the Song of Songs portrays that our relationship with the Lord must be personal and affectionate, and it must also be private and spiritual; we need to develop our relationship with the Lord, our dear Husband, whom we love! Our relationship with God is not only of worshipping Him and revering Him […]
We enjoy Christ as our Husband by having a Private and Spiritual Relationship with Him
Taking Christ as our Husband by having a Personal and Affectionate Relationship with Him

We must take, experience, and enjoy Christ as our Husband by having a personal and affectionate relationship with the Lord. Our destiny, as seen in Rev. 21-22, is that we will be the bride of Christ, the wife of God for eternity; He will be our Husband and we will be His wife. We see […]
Take Christ as our Head by Receiving the Transmission of God’s Surpassingly Great Power

We can take, experience, and enjoy Christ as our Head by being under the constant transmission of God’s surpassingly great power and by being strengthened into our inner man with this power so that Christ may make His home in our heart. Amen! Hallelujah, God has made Christ the Head over all things to the […]
Exalt Christ as Lord and take Him as our Head by being Willing to be Headed up in Christ

As believers in Christ, we need to take, experience, and enjoy Christ as our Head, being willing to be headed up in Christ in the church life by growing in life and by living under Christ’s light, and we need to hold Christ as the Head by staying intimately connected to Him. Amen! Christ is […]
We Take Christ as our Lord by being Constrained by His Love to Live to the Lord

We need to take, experience, and enjoy Christ as our Lord by being people who live to the Lord (not merely for the Lord), being constrained by the love of Christ to live to Him and thus be under His control, direction, and governing. Amen! Hallelujah, Jesus Christ is our Lord and our King! For […]
Take Christ as our King: have the Lord’s Ruling Presence in us, a Clear Sky with a Throne

We need to take, experience and enjoy Christ as our King by having a clear sky between us and Him with a throne above it, and this has to do with having a good and pure conscience, void of any offense toward God and man. Amen! This week we come to the last week in […]
Worship God in Spirit with Christ as the Reality, Offering Christ to God for His Satisfaction

We need to labor on the all-inclusive Christ in order to have a surplus of Christ to bring to the church meetings both for our enjoyment corporately and for the corporate worship of God our Father; we worship God in spirit and truthfulness, that is, in our spirit and with the Christ we have experienced […]