The ground of the church, the genuine ground of oneness, is not merely something outward, that is, the ground of locality in which we live and meet; we need to see that the ground of the church is intrinsically related to life. The Lord doesn’t want us to keep certain forms or outward practices; everything […]
Life is the Essence of Oneness: we Keep the Oneness by Life, in Life, and with Life
Being in the Realm of Oneness by Exercising our Spirit to be Mingled with the Spirit

There’s very much confusion today concerning the church, and it seems that most believers join the church of their preference, since there are so many options out there. But in the beginning, it was not so! We need to return to the Lord’s word in the New Testament and see the basic principle concerning the […]
Keeping the Unique Oneness of the Body of Christ on the Unique Ground of Locality

In order for us to know the church, we must first recognize the ground of the church. The one unique foundation of the church is Christ Himself, and no other foundation can anyone lay besides Christ, but the ground of the church is the practice of the oneness of the universal Body of Christ on […]
The Local Ground of the Church is the Oneness of the Body Practiced in the Local Churches

This week we are enjoying the spiritual significance and application of the local ground of the church. In the church life in the Lord’s recovery, we have been brought back to God’s original intention, which is to have the Body of Christ as His expression, and the universal Body of Christ is expressed in each […]
Serving God by Burning in Spirit with the Fire of God’s Life, not with Strange Fire

As believers in Christ, we should live according to the principle of the tree of life, that is, we should depend on the Lord. In God’s eyes the greatest sin is independence; doing things for God or in God’s name yet without God’s living presence is declaring independence from God, and God does not appreciate […]
Living According to the Principle of the Tree of Life, the Principle of Dependence

It is good to be brought back to God’s original intention, what He desired to do and achieve from the very beginning: He wants to dispense Himself into us as life to be our life, life-supply, and everything, so that we may express Him corporately (see Gen. 2:9; 1:26). God’s intention is the same throughout […]
The Divine Life Flowing in the Divine Nature is our Unique Way in our Daily Life

God is life, and eternal life is God Himself. Apart from God, there is no life, and all life depends on God. However, many times we think that when someone is pious, devoted, has a good behaviour, is moral and ethical, has a gift, is powerful, knows the Bible, is full of activities and zealous […]