![Seeing and Being in the Great Wheel of the Move of God's Economy (Ezekiel 1) [in the picture: In every age and in every generation, the wheel of God’s economy has been moving on earth, and now we all are a part of the move of this great wheel.] Seeing and Being in the Great Wheel of the Move of God's Economy (Ezekiel 1) [in the picture: In every age and in every generation, the wheel of God’s economy has been moving on earth, and now we all are a part of the move of this great wheel.]](https://i0.wp.com/agodman.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/every-age-generation-god-moving-we-are-in-this-move-today.jpg?resize=750%2C486&ssl=1)
In every age and in every generation, the wheel of God’s economy has been moving on earth, and now we all are a part of the move of this great wheel.
In His will, God wants to become the life, content, and everything to His people so that He may be expressed corporately through them. For this great will of God, He made a purpose, and according to His purpose He has an arrangement a plan, an economy, to carry out the great will of God (see Eph. 1:10; 3:9; 1 Tim. 1:4).
God’s economy is a process, an arrangement through which God dispenses Himself into His chosen people to be their life, their content, and their everything, to make them His corporate expression on the earth.
For the accomplishing of His economy, God has a great move on the earth, which in Ezekiel 1:15-21 is likened to a great wheel moving everywhere on the earth.
The Triune God has moved out of eternity and into time, and in time and space He moves in and with man, so that He may dispense Himself into man until He fills and saturates man to make man His expression in full.
Right now on the earth, there is a great “wheel of God’s economy” moving to and fro, accomplishing God’s economy and fulfilling God’s will to gain the church, the Body of Christ, His corporate expression.
We need to see the great wheel of God’s economy and we need to be in it today!
Ezekiel 1: the Vision of the Great Wheel of God’s Move
In Ezekiel 1 there’s a mysterious vision being unveiled, and if you “put on the glasses of God’s economy” you will see something concerning the great wheel of God’s economy on the earth.
Every one of the four living creature has four faces (the four aspects of Christ as revealed in the gospel) and each face has a wheel; their appearance as they move is of a man and there’s only one great wheel! So interesting…
God’s economy is likened here to a great wheel – the hub is Christ as the center of God’s economy, the rim is the church as the fullness and expression of Christ, and the many spokes are the believers in Christ!
![In Col. 1:16-17 we see that Christ is the hub, the One who sustains and upholds all things, and all things subsist in Him. In Eph. 1:23 we see that the church is the Body of Christ, the fullness and the enlargement of Christ. The spokes are the many believers who are holding to Christ as the center and express Him corporately as the Body of Christ! [in the picture: The many believers as the members of Christ are the spokes of the hub spreading to the rim, to the Body of Christ.] In Col. 1:16-17 we see that Christ is the hub, the One who sustains and upholds all things, and all things subsist in Him. In Eph. 1:23 we see that the church is the Body of Christ, the fullness and the enlargement of Christ. The spokes are the many believers who are holding to Christ as the center and express Him corporately as the Body of Christ! [in the picture: The many believers as the members of Christ are the spokes of the hub spreading to the rim, to the Body of Christ.]](https://i0.wp.com/agodman.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/many-believers-spokes-wheel-the-body-of-christ.jpg?resize=750%2C500&ssl=1)
The many believers as the members of Christ are the spokes of the hub spreading to the rim, to the Body of Christ
This great wheel of God’s economy is for the great move of God on the earth. God moves on earth in man, through man, and as man. It is man, yet God moves in man – God is fully mingled with man and one with man, and man moves one with God and in the move of God!
The Great Wheel of God’s Economy
The Triune God is not static, stagnant, or passive; rather, He is a living, moving, and acting God. He moved out of eternity and into time approx. 6000 years ago when He created man, and since then He’s been journeying into time.
Approx. 2000 years ago God moved in man and even became a man, lived a perfect human life for 33.5 years, died on the cross, traveled to Hades, and then resurrected and traveled back to the heavens to fill the heavens!
From the heavens, He journeyed again by being outpoured into His many believers, and today God in Christ as the Spirit is in all His believers on the earth, moving in them, through them, and with them. These are God’s goings forth from eternity prophesied in Micah 5:2.
In Acts we see how God moved from Jerusalem to Samaria, to all Judea, and then – with the help of the persecution – to Galilee and the surrounding areas.
In Acts 13:1-4 we see how God took another step in His move: He moved toward Asia and then Europe! With Paul, Barnabas, Silas, Titus, and the other co-workers of Paul, God moved and flowed all the way to Rome and to the uttermost parts of the earth (Acts 17:1-6; Rom. 15:18-19)!
In man and through man God moved to Europe, and from Europe He moved to China, India, Australia, Asia, Africa, America, and everywhere! Today God is continually moving, and the wheel of God’s economy is turning!
He is recovering city by city, establishing His shining lampstands, gaining His seekers, shepherding the hungry ones, and gaining more people!
God’s Move has Reached Us
In God’s mercy and in His sovereignty we are here in the Lord’s recovery, and the great wheel of God’s move has reached us (Acts 28:31). Whether we are in Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, America, or anywhere else, the great wheel of the move of God’s economy has reached us.
The move of God’s economy has never stopped and will never stop until it fulfills God’s will, to gain His corporate expression in full on earth in humanity.
In every age, on every continent, and in every generation, the great wheel of God’s economy has been moving, and now we have the privilege to be part of the moving of the great wheel.
Especially in Europe, the land of Antichrist, before this one will rise up to power, God is moving powerfully (through the Bible distribution, the gospel on the campuses, the shepherding in the homes, the establishing of new local churches, and many other ways) to gain strength, shining testimonies in every locality.
Whether under communism, dictatorship, democracy, or monarchy, God is moving to gain His seeking ones, dispense Himself into them, and fulfill His economy! May we all see the great move of the wheel of God’s economy, and may we all be in it!
May a vision of the great wheel of the move in God’s economy control us, govern us, and keep us one with God for the fulfilling of His will on the earth! This wheel is turning, moving, and going on until it will consummate the age and bring the Lord back!
We need to pray and cooperate with the Lord for His move to be accomplished, and then He will return!
Lord Jesus, show us a clear vision of the great wheel of Your economy moving on the earth today. Lord, save us from being aimless Christians. Thank You for reaching us and for bringing us into Your recovery. Lord, may a clear controlling vision of the Lord’s economy direct our heart! Make us those one with You, praying for Your move, Your economy, and Your heart’s desire to be carried out! Your will be done!
References and Further Reading
- Sharing inspired by brother James Lee’s sharing in this message, and portions in, Life-study of Joshua (msg. 2), as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on Prayer and the Lord’s Move, week 5 (entitled, Being One with the Triune God in the Move of the Great Wheel of His Economy).
- Further Reading: The Mysteries in God’s New Testament Economy, ch. 3 (by Witness Lee).
- Hymns on this topic:
# Oh, may a clear, controlling vision of / The Lord’s economy direct my heart, / And burn in me until my spirit’s wholly set afire! / With spirit strong and active we’ll press on / To consummate God’s goal— / New Jerusalem, Hallelujah!
# Prayer is the mightiest force of earth and heaven, / Prayer is the very dynamite of God; / It moves the hand that all things moves, and turns / The living wheels that sweep through earth abroad.
# In this godless age / Lord, You need some Samuels / Burdened with a vision clear of Your economy / Where’s Your ark today? / And the ones who’d care for You, / E’en to put themselves aside to gain Your heart’s desire? - Pictures source: with permission via, Inspiration Unlimited (Prayer and the Lord’s Move set).
The Bible presents a full picture of God’s economy from His creation of the universe to the consummation of the New Jerusalem. The first two chapters of the Bible are on God’s creation with man, created in God’s image and according to His likeness, as the center. In the last two chapters we have the new heaven and new earth with the New Jerusalem, the corporate expression and manifestation of the Triune God mingled with His redeemed people for eternity. Many things occur between these two ends, but all are linked to God’s economy—mainly concerning Christ and His counterpart, the church. The church as Christ’s Body will consummate in the New Jerusalem in the millennium for those believers who become mature and in the new heaven and new earth for all the believers. (Life-study of Joshua, p. 7)
Oh Lord Jesus, thank You for revealing to us this great wheel of Your economy which is Your great move on the earth. Lord thank You that You make us Your vessels of honor fully mingled with You and one with You in all aspects in order to reflect, express and be Your corporate expression on the earth. Oh Lord Jesus!
In Ezekiel 1:15-21 God’s economy is likened to a great wheel. The great wheel is the move of God in the universe. This wheel as the means by which God acts and moves is Christ and the church. The move of God’s economy has never stopped, and today this great wheel has reached us. Today, we are part of the move of this great wheel. When He moves, the church moves. He is the Motivator, the source of power for the move. Our God is a moving God! He does not remain static, He is constantly operating, energizing, carrying out what is on His heart in His heavenly ministry. Sometimes the move of this wheel is quite slow, but at other times it is so fast that we can hardly keep up with it. But nevertheless, it is moving. We need to be one with the Lord for the move of this great wheel of God’s economy on earth.
Ezek 1:5 & as I watched the living creatures, I saw a wheel upon the earth beside the living creatures, for each of their four faces.
Eph 5:30, 32 Because we are members of His Body… This mystery is great, but I speak with regard to Christ & the church.
‘In Ezekiel 1 God’s economy is likened to a great wheel. (vv.15-21)…The move of God’s NT economy is like the turning of a big wheel…From Genisis 1 until the present, this wheel has been continually moving…this wheel has reached us.’
PTL, we are gathered together to participate in the great mystery of God’s move towards the consummation of this age & His creation, The New Jerusalem! Your Kingdom come Lord!!! Amen!
The hub of this great wheel signifies Christ as the center of God's economy, and the rim signifies Christ's counterpart, the church, which consummates in the New Jerusalem. The many believers as the members of Christ are the spokes of the hub spreading to the rim, to the Body of Christ consummating in the New Jerusalem. In every age and in every generation, this great wheel has been moving, and today we all are a part of the move of this great wheel on earth!
The Bible presents a full picture of God’s economy: In Genesis, man created in God’s image and His likeness in front of the Tree of life was for expressing God. In Revelation, there is a holy city, New Jerusalem, having the glory of God, fully expressing God. All things occur between these two ends are linked to God’s economy. (Mainly concerning Christ and the church).
God’s economy is likened to a great wheel. This wheel is moving through 4 ages: the age of sin (Adam), the age of law (Moses), the age of grace (Christ), and the age of the kingdom (the millennium), until all things will headed up in Christ in the new heaven and new earth.
It was God’s pleasure to reveal the hidden mystery, through His revelation in Christ, that is, through Christ’s incarnation, crucifixion, resurrection and ascension.
In Revelation 6:2, John saw a white horse (of gospel), and he sits on it had a bow, the arrow had been shot to destroy the enemy. Immediately after Christ’s ascension, the gospel of peace began to run. Hallelujah! We were all caught and became a part of the wheel. Today, God is moving to dispense Christ into our entire being, making us His Bride. We must daily pray the wheel of God’s economy would not stop in our experience and also that we can keep up with its move, and that wherever the gospel is proclaimed, the sinners will receive Christ, and making them a part of the wheel.