Being Saturated with Christ for the One New Man who will Usher in the Kingdom of God

Eph. 4:23-24 And that you be renewed in the spirit of your mind and put on the new man, which was created according to God in righteousness and holiness of the reality.The goal of the Lord’s recovery is to bring forth the one new man, for the one new man will usher in the kingdom of God and will bring Christ, the King, back to the earth.

God created man in His image and likeness, and He ordained that this man would express Him and represent Him. But the first man, Adam, failed God, and became the old man. Therefore, Christ came as the second man, and He individually fulfilled Genesis 1:26 by expressing God and representing Him on earth.

On the cross, Christ created in Himself the one new man with two main materials – the redeemed created humanity and the divine element. He broke down the middle wall of partition, tore down any problems and division, and made in Himself the two, Jews and Gentiles, into one new man.

In His resurrection, Christ regenerated us all for His body, and we became the many sons of God, the man believers in Christ, and the components of the one new man, so that God would gain a corporate man to fulfil His purpose.

The church as the one new man is the corporate man in God’s intention, and this new man will fulfill the twofold purpose of expressing God and dealing with God’s enemy.

The one new man equals the Body of Christ – when the Body is sufficiently built up and when the members take Christ as life and person, allowing Him to saturate and permeate them to the extent that Christ lives in them, then the new man will come into being.

Hallelujah, we were created in the image of Christ, who is the image of the invisible God, and we were regenerated with God’s life to be part of the new man who will fulfil God’s purpose to express God and represent Him!

Now all we have to do is take Christ as our life and person, live by Him, and let Him saturate us, permeate us, and fill us until He becomes all in all in the new man, replacing everyone with Himself. When Christ becomes everything to us and He is our person living in us, we become part of the one new man.

What God is after today, what He’s working to gain in this age, is the corporate new man with Christ as everything and everyone, where the natural man cannot exist, and Christ is all and in all.

If we see that this is what God is after, we will give ourselves to Him and allow Him a little more every day to work Himself into us, to saturate us, and to make His home in our heart, so that He may gain the one new man that fulfils His purpose on earth.

The Lord wants to Bring forth the One New Man who will Usher in the Kingdom of God

All the fullness of God is embodied in Christ, and this Christ is wrought into our being to be our righteousness, our holiness, our love, and our light. This is the new man with the new man’s expression. Such a new man with such an expression will usher in the kingdom of God and will bring Christ, the King, back to this earth. The goal of the Lord’s recovery is to become such a new man, which is the very expression of God. W. Lee, The One New Man, p. 501We need to be renewed in the spirit of our mind and put on the new man who was created according to God in righteousness and holiness of the reality (Eph. 4:23-24). This renewing makes us all into the new man; by being renewed we put off the old man – the old social life, and put on the new man – the church life.

As those who love the Lord, pursue Him, and follow Him on earth, we must be renewed in the spirit of our mind to become the one new man by taking Him as our person and living by Him.

The Lord’s recovery is to bring forth the new man, for the new man will usher in the kingdom of God with Christ, the King – the new man fulfills God’s purpose and brings the Lord back!

For us to be in reality part of the new man we need to take Christ as our life and as our person. Our life must be Christ, and our person must also be Christ.

There’s no room for anything or anyone else in the new man – only Christ is the life and person and everything and everyone in the new man. In the one new man there’s no Jew, no Greek, no Gentile, no circumcision and no uncircumcision, no barbarian, no Scythian, no slave, and no free man – all these are replaced by Christ, who is all and in all (see Col. 3:11).

We need to take Christ as our life and as our person; for us to say that “Christ is my life and person” is not enough – we need to corporately say, “Christ is our life and Christ is our person“.

The one new man exists as a reality in the spiritual realm, but the goal is to bring the new man forth in manifestation, function, expression, and authority. God wants to have the image of Christ expressed all over the earth and His authority and government being represented purely by this new man, so that whatever the throne decrees, the church as the one new man would carry out.

What the Lord has been doing and is currently doing in His recovery on earth is to bring forth the one new man with Himself as the life and the person for God’s expression (Eph. 3:17; Col. 3:4, 10-11).

It is the one new man that will usher in the kingdom of God and will bring Christ, the King, back to the earth (Rev. 11:15).

As those who love the Lord, we enjoy singing and telling Him, Come, Lord Jesus! – but the question is, Where is the bride of Christ? Where is the church as the one new man who will usher in the kingdom of God and bring Christ back?

Without the building up of the Body of Christ, there is no manifestation of the new man; without a full-grown man expressed in the local churches, the bride will not be ready, and the Lord cannot return.

We want to pour out every drop in our being for the goal of the Lord’s recovery, the bringing forth of the one new man, for the one new man will usher in the kingdom of God, and the one new man is the warrior bride for whom our dear Lord will return.

Lord Jesus, we want to pour out every drop in our being for the goal of Your recovery, the bringing forth of the one new man, for it is the one new man who will usher in the kingdom of God and will become the warrior bride for whom You return! Amen! We take You as our life and as our person so that You may live in us and the one new man would be manifested and brought into being in all the local churches. Lord, may the image of Christ be expressed and God’s government be represented purely by the one new man, so that You may bring in Your kingdom and return to earth!

The One New Man comes into Being as We are Saturated and Filled with Christ and Replaced by Him

The one new man comes into being as we are saturated, filled, and permeated with Christ and replaced by Him through an organic process (2 Cor. 3:18). The new man is Christ in all the saints, permeating us and replacing us until all natural distinctions have been removed and everyone is constituted of Christ (Col. 3:11). Witness LeeMany have read Col. 3:10-11 and have agreed mentally with the fact that, in the church as the one new man Christ is all and in all; however, what does this mean, how can this come into being, and how can we experience this? When we meet with the saints, is Christ all and in all?

We need to have an intrinsic view of what the one new man is. We may have a gathering of many kinds of people from many backgrounds, ethnicities, and races, but that in itself is not the one new man.

The one new man which will usher in the kingdom of God is when there are all kinds of people meeting together, and they all allow Christ to saturate their entire being and swallow up everything that they are by nature.

It is when these different human beings – different by social class, race, financial background, nature, ethnicity, etc – are in the church, willing to allow Christ to make His home in their heart and saturate their entire being.

We need to realize that we as believers in Christ are redeemed, regenerated human beings who need to be willing to let Christ work Himself into us, make His home in our heart, and saturate and fill us to replace our whole being in an organic way until Christ is all and in all.

The result is that, even though the outward differences remain – we were created differently, we look different – there’s only one Person inwardly – Christ is the person of the one new man. There’s no natural person in the one new man – there’s no possibility, no room for any natural person!

Although many different kinds of people make up the one new man, all are part of Christ; there are no longer the natural persons, but Christ is the Person – the all-inclusive Christ is the only one person in the one new man (Col. 2:17; 3:4, 11).

For the one new man to come into being, we all need to be saturated with Christ, filled with Christ, and replaced by Him through an organic process (2 Cor. 3:18).

The rich, substantial Christ must actually be wrought into us organically until He replaces our natural being with Himself. This can take place only as we remain rooted in Him and absorb His riches into us. These riches will then become the substance, the element, which will saturate us organically. Then Christ will become us, and we shall become constituted of Christ. This is not only to grow with Christ, but it is also to be built up in Christ. Life-study of Colossians, p. 455, by Witness LeeWe need to behold the Lord to be transformed in His image, we need to put off the old man and put on the new man, we need to be renewed in the spirit of the mind, and we need to cooperate with Christ inwardly for Him to replace us organically.

Only we can make the decision concerning ourselves as to what extent during our lifetime we will allow Christ to saturate, fill, and permeate us for the bringing forth of the one new man, who will usher in the kingdom of God.

The new man is not merely a gathering of different people from different backgrounds – the new man is Christ in all the saints; Christ is permeating us and replacing us until all our natural distinctions have been removed, and we all are constituted of Christ – we become Christ!

The one new man is not the saints and their diversity, but Christ in all the dear, precious, diverse believers. Therefore, the all-inclusive Christ must be wrought into us organically until He replaces our natural being with Himself (Eph. 3:17; Gal. 4:19) for the one new man.

Lord Jesus, may all the saints in all the local churches be willing for You to saturate them, permeate them, and fill them, so that You may replace them organically for the bringing forth of the one new man! Amen! Lord, You must be wrought into our being organically until You replace our natural being with Yourself, so that Christ may be all and in all in the one new man! Amen! For the bringing forth of the new man who will usher in the kingdom of God, saturate us, permeate us, and fill us until You replace us organically and become all in all in the one new man!

References and Hymns on this Topic
  • Inspiration: the Word of God, my enjoyment in the ministry, the message by Ron Kangas for this week, and portions from, Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1977, vol. 3, “The One New Man,” chs. 3-5, as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, The Genuine Church Life (2017 Thanksgiving Conference), week 6, Practicing the Church Life in the Consciousness of the One New Man.
  • Hymns on this topic:
    # Let Your life within me saturate, / Let Your life within me permeate. / May all Your fulness be expressed through me / And my being be conformed to Thee. (Oh Lord, for this I pray)
    # Thy Spirit will me saturate / Every part will God permeate, / Deliv’ring me from the old man, / With all saints building for His plan. (Hymns #501)
    # Praise the Lord, we’re in the Lord’s recovery— / Home at last, here in the church. / Praise the Lord, we’re in the new creation— / One new man, the end of our search. / With the saints, builded, coordinated; / No more I, forever “we.” / We are one in the Son, standing here till He comes; / Yes, nothing can stop our God till He’s done! (Hymns #1256)
About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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Klazien B.
Klazien B.
7 years ago

Praise the Lord

Cephas S.
Cephas S.
7 years ago

Lord, renew our minds day by day, moment by moment.

Blessing O.
Blessing O.
7 years ago

Amen lord Jesus

Larry S.
Larry S.
7 years ago

This is my enjoyment this morning.

If we would be constituted of Christ, Christ must be added into us more and more. We must be permeated with Christ, saturated with Christ, and have Christ organically wrought into our being. Eventually, we shall be replaced by Christ. Then, in reality, He will be all and in all. He will be every member, every part, of the new man.

HWMR, The Recovery of the Church, week 8, day 2.

Lord Jesus grow more today in every member

Phaye A.
Phaye A.
7 years ago


Juliet C.
Juliet C.
7 years ago

主に感謝します! アーメン
[Thank you Lord! Amen.]

Rosalina M.
Rosalina M.
7 years ago

Amen, Ikaw ang lahat lahat sa amin at kami ay sa Iyo Panginoon,halellujah
[Amen, you all all of us and we are to you Lord, halellujah]

Moh S.
Moh S.
7 years ago

Amen Lord Jesus we open to You, we take You as our burnt offering, O Lord saturate and permeate us for the bringing forth of the one new man, the prepared bride to usher in the Kingdom of God!!

brother L.
brother L.
7 years ago

The new man does not come into existence by taking Christians from various countries and bringing them together. That would be a new organization, not the new man. The new man comes into being as we are saturated, filled, and permeated with Christ and replaced by Him through an organic process. The new man is Christ in all the saints permeating us and replacing us until all natural distinctions have been eliminated and everyone is constituted of Christ.

Christ as all and in all in the new man should not be mere doctrine. Rather, the rich, substantial Christ must actually be wrought into us organically until He replaces our natural being with Himself. This can take place only as we remain rooted in Him and absorb His riches into us. These riches will then become the substance, the element, which will saturate us organically. Then Christ will become us, and we shall become constituted of Christ. This is not only to grow with Christ, but it is also to be built up in Christ. (Life-study of Colossians, p. 455, by Witness Lee)