In the Young People’s Poland camp 2011, I enjoyed message 3 – God’s demand, Pharaoh’s resistance, and Life in the World under Satan’s Usurpation.
This message covers 12 conflicts between Jehovah and Pharaoh and the 10 plagues that were sent by God. God sent the plagues because of His mercy. God wanted His children to see the real condition of Egypt. God knew their hearts and the children of Israel even cried out to the Lord to get them out of Egypt, but their hearts were not ready. T
hey still longed for the Egyptian pleasures, the Egyptian foods, etc. Today we are the same – we still love the things in the world. But Lord, where is the army today? We have to separate ourselves from the other Egyptians! Lord, we want to be the 21st century Nazarites! We want to be in that army that buries Pharaoh in the Red Sea! We want to be those who defeat Satan!
Pharaoh symbolized the usurping Satan and he refused to let God’s people go. Actually, a Pharaoh is anything or anyone who keeps God’s people from feasting unto the Lord. We can be Pharaohs to one another or to ourselves.
The self does not want us to enjoy the Lord – it usurps us, it uses up all our time and energy in something else than enjoying the Lord. If we allow our self to do this, we are being Pharaohs to ourselves. We must depend on the Lord, for He is our true supply.
We are the salt of this earth! Salt kills germs, bacteria, the corruption, etc, and it preserves. But young people, it is possible that salt becomes tasteless and loses it’s taste / effect. Such believers would not be thrown into the lake of fire, but if they become tasteless, they will not become the building material for the building up of the church, the kingdom of God!
So where will they go? They will be thrown out during the kingdom age and will be good for nothing. Oh, Lord, we want to be Your overcomers – make us Your overcomers! [sharing by Phoebe T(Ireland) from her topmost enjoyment in the recent European Young People’s conference in Poland]
O Lord we depend on You. You are our all-inclusive supply!
Amen Lord! We want to be THAT army!!! YOUR ARMY LORD!!! Grow deeper in us and spread in us!
Amen! Salt is so needed! It kills germs and makes food tasty. We want to be those who are able to give grace, seasoned with salt; those whose life and living have impact to all around us; those who are an anti-testimony to this world! We want to be our Lord's overcoming army!