God is Working to Liberate His Creation from Bondage by Heading up All things in Christ

God is working to liberate His creation from bondage and to bring it into liberty by heading up all things in Christ. Satan’s goal is to corrupt God’s creation and to cause confusion, and he did so by injecting himself into man at the fall; but God is working to liberate His creation from bondage by heading up all things in Christ.

Hallelujah, God is operating to liberate the entire creation from under the slavery of sin and death, and He does so by first saving man, imparting His life into man, and causing man to be headed up in Christ. When man is headed up in Christ, God has a way to head up all things in Christ through the church.

God’s eternal purpose is to have the church that takes the lead to be headed up in Christ, out of the universal heap of collapse, so that, through the church, He would head up all things in Christ. God wants to head up all things in Christ, for the entire universe is a heap of collapse, due to the fall of man.

In Ephesians we see the highest revelation of the church, especially in the aspect of the Body of Christ, and in the first chapter of Ephesians we see the dispensing of the Triune God in His Divine Trinity to constitute the Body of Christ.

In the first verses of this chapter we see the Father’s blessing in choosing us and predestinating us, resulting in the praise of the glory of His grace. We also see the Son’s redeeming us and forgiving us according to the riches of His grace which is abounding toward us. In v. 9 we see the mystery of His will, which has been hidden for ages, but now has been made known to us.

Then in v. 10 Paul says, Unto the economy of the fullness of the times, to head up all things in Christ. Right after God’s dispensing in His Divine Trinity, we have the heading up of all things in Christ.

The dispensing of the Triune God through His choosing us, predestinating us, giving us abounding grace, redeeming us, forgiving us, and opening up the mystery of His will to us leads to and results in the economy of the fullness of the times, which is to head up all things in Christ.

The church takes the lead to be headed up in Christ, so that through the church the entire universe would be headed up in Christ for the heading up of all things.

Even though Satan’s goal is to corrupt God’s creation and cause confusion, bringing in sin and death through man’s fall, God is working to liberate His creation from bondage and bring it into liberty by heading up all things in Christ.

Satan’s Goal is to Corrupt God’s Creation, Cause Confusion, and bring in Death and Darkness

Rom. 8:19-23 v. 19 For the anxious watching of the creation eagerly awaits the revelation of the sons of God. v. 20 For the creation was made subject to vanity, not of its own will, but because of Him who subjected it, v. 21 In hope that the creation itself will also be freed from the slavery of corruption into the freedom of the glory of the children of God. v. 22 For we know that the whole creation groans together and travails in pain together until now. v. 23 And not only so, but we ourselves also, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan in ourselves, eagerly awaiting sonship, the redemption of our body.Whenever God is about to do something, Satan is always standing by, ready to disrupt, damage, and destroy what God wants to accomplish. God wanted to gain man as the head over His creation, but Satan came in to spoil this.

In Gen. 3 in the garden of Eden Satan’s goal was not just to cause man to fail God by disobeying Him, but to inject himself into man.

When man disobeyed God’s commandment and took of the tree of knowledge, Satan injected himself as the poison of death into man to corrupt him and bring him into confusion, corruption, sin, death, and darkness. Satan’s goal is to corrupt God’s creation and to cause confusion.

Rom. 8:19-23 tells us that, because of man’s fall, the whole creation got affected. The whole creation is now subject to vanity, is in slavery, and longs to be released, groaning to be liberated. There is enmity between people, disharmony among animals, and no heading up in the universe.

Even the mosquitoes are not happy with us: there’s no harmony between us and them. The whole creation is in disarray because of what happened at the fall of man.

Man didn’t only sin and came under God’s judgement, but the whole creation became out-of-order. Now there’s fighting between people, between animals, and even the plants are groaning, for their leaves are falling every fall, and they are subject to death and corruption.

When Satan injected himself into man, Satan became darkness and death to man; sin brings in death, death brings in darkness, and darkness brings in confusion.

What happened in the garden of Eden was not only a small sin that man committed; rather, man opened to Satan’s injecting himself into man, and the poison of sin came in, leading to death and darkness.

When a man is full of life, he is headed up, stands up, and does many things; when death comes in, man is in darkness and death, and man is no longer headed up but collapses.

When Satan injected himself into man, he brought confusion to the whole creation. By this confusion the whole creation is under the bondage of corruption in vanity. This corruption came from darkness, the darkness came from death, and death came from Satan. So God has many problems. He has an enemy to deal with, and He has death, darkness, confusion, corruption, bondage, and vanity in His creation. Even today the whole creation is groaning because it is still in vanity and in the bondage of corruption. God must liberate His creation from bondage and bring it into the order of liberty by heading up all things under the headship of Christ. Witness Lee, God’s Purpose for the Church, pp. 24-25Similarly, the entire universe – including mankind – is a heap of collapse caused by Satan injecting himself as the factor of death into God’s creation.

All of creation has been infected by the death factor of Satan, and the whole creation – of whom man is the center and the head – is under the slavery of corruption, being subject to sin, death, and darkness.

Satan injected himself into man, the head of creation and the center of the universe, and from man Satan’s poison has spread everywhere, causing the entire creation to collapse into a heap. Sin leads to death, and where there’s death, there’s collapse and darkness.

Before Genesis 3, everything was headed up; after man partook of the tree of knowledge, the factor of death came into man’s being, and there was collapse. As a result of the fall, man hid from God, and the whole creation became subject to corruption.

We need to see the real situation in this universe, that because of man’s fall, Satan’s goal was accomplished: he injected himself into man, and the whole creation is under the slavery of corruption, being subject to death and darkness, becoming a heap of collapse.

This is why God wants to head up all things in Christ, to defeat Satan and establish order in the universe.

Lord Jesus, cause us to see what Satan’s goal is, which is to corrupt God’s creation by injecting himself into man and thus bringing in confusion, death, and darkness. Oh Lord, we desire to be headed up in Christ so that we may be freed from the slavery of corruption, and so that all creation may be liberated! We come to You as the tree of life in our spirit, we partake of You, and we allow You to head us up, so that through the church You may head up all things in Christ! Amen, Lord, we want to fulfill Your purpose and defeat Satan’s goal!

God is Working to Liberate His Creation from Bondage by Heading up All things in Christ

When Satan, the power of death, injected himself into man, Satan became death and darkness to man. Death brings in corruption, and darkness brings in confusion. Satan’s goal is to corrupt God’s creation and to cause confusion. But praise the Lord that where death abounds, life abounds all the more! After Satan came in to deaden, God came in to enliven, to impart life. Where there is life, there is light also....Light brings in the proper order....Satan came in to deaden God’s creation and...death ruins and darkness confuses. God, however, has come in to enliven the deadened creation and to bring in order. In this order all things are headed up in Christ. Witness Lee, Life-study of Ephesians, p. 91Even though the entire creation is subject to death and darkness by man’s sin, thus being under the slavery of corruption, we need to realize that all this is according to God’s wisdom.

Without God’s permission, no rebellion could take place; the rebellion among angels and even the fall of man couldn’t happen without God’s permission.

God allowed all these things to happen, and all these things are according to His wisdom, for Satan’s rebellion serves as a “black background” for God’s masterpiece, His purpose, what He intends to do, making the church stand out.

Satan’s goal is to corrupt God’s creation and cause confusion, but praise the Lord: where death abounds, life abounds even more!

God didn’t passively witness or allow Satan’s rebellion and man’s fall to happen; rather, after Satan came in to deaden and poison, God came in to enliven and impart life. Where God’s life is, there’s also light, and light brings in the proper order.

Yes, there is the slavery of corruption under which all creation is subject, but God is working to liberate His creation from bondage and bring it into liberty by heading up all things in Christ (Eph. 1:22, 10).

This is why we were saved by God: we were not saved merely to be rescued from eternal perdition or to go to heaven, but we were saved to be liberated from under Satan’s usurpation and slavery, and be brought under Christ as the Head.

We believers in Christ were saved to be liberated from the slavery of corruption, sin, and death, and be headed up in Christ; then, through the church, God can head up all things in Christ, bringing all things under His headship.

Now there is fighting between people and even within people, fighting among animals, and death operating everywhere; but there will be a time – at the restoration, in the kingdom age – when all creation will be liberated from the slavery of corruption!

When God heads up all things in Christ through the church, all creation will no longer be groaning but will rejoice! Everything will be restored, the trees will clap their hands, the animals will be at peace, the lion will lie with the lamb, and the kid will play with the leopard.

There will no longer be fighting among nations, but the swords will be turned into plowshares, and everything will be peaceful, in harmony, and in oneness, for all things will be properly headed up.

This is what God is working to obtain today: He wants to gain the church, a group of people who have God’s life and nature and who are headed up in Christ, so that through the church God would head up all things in Christ!

Lord Jesus, operate in us through Your salvation to liberate us from the slavery of corruption, sin, and death, and bring us under You as the unique universal Head over all things! Bring us into liberty by heading us up in Christ, so that through the church You may head up all things in Christ! Amen, Lord, we want to be one spirit with You to allow You to head us up in Christ in all things, so that You may obtain the church, the means by which all things in the universe will be headed up in Christ!

References and Hymns on this Topic
  • Inspiration: the Word of God, my enjoyment in the ministry, the message by James Lee for this week, and portions from, Life-study of Ephesians, pp. 82-83 (by Witness Lee), as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, The Genuine Church Life (2017 Thanksgiving Conference), week 2, The Church Life — a Life of Being Headed Up in Christ.
  • Hymns on this topic:
    # Satan hath himself injected / Into man all things to spoil, / Bringing darkness and corruption / God’s eternal plan to foil. (Hymns )
    # For the glorious revelation / Of the sons of God to come, / All the creatures wait, expecting, / That they all may free become. / All creation groans together, / Subject now to vanity, / Looking for their full deliverance / From corruption’s slavery. (Hymns #970)
    # Man was poisoned by the serpent, the knowledge tree he took. / In the garden, there in Eden, tree of life he forsook. / Man got fallen with rebellion and corrupted within, / A man with death and sin. (Song on, In eternity, in the beginning)
About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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brother L.
brother L.
7 years ago

The book of Genesis reveals that Satan came to inject himself into man, who was the center of the universe. When Satan injected himself into man, Satan became death and darkness to man. Whenever Satan comes to us or into our home, there is death and darkness. The result of this death and darkness is a collapse. A person who is full of life can stand upright. But when the power of death has been injected into him, he falls down; he collapses. Instead of being headed up, he collapses into a heap….The entire universe, including mankind, is a heap of collapse caused by Satan injecting himself as the factor of death into God’s creation. Satan has brought death to the entire creation of God. All of creation has been infected by the death factor of Satan. This is the reason that Romans 8:20 and 21 say that the creation has been subjected to vanity and is under the slavery of corruption.

In order to inject a substance into a person’s body, there is no need to inject it into every part. Instead, the injection is made at a certain spot, and then the substance spreads throughout the body. Likewise, Satan injected himself into man, the center of the universe, and from man Satan’s poison has spread everywhere. Therefore, not only is man subject to death, but also every living thing is subject to it….The element of death has spread into every part of God’s creation, causing the creation to collapse into a heap. (Life-study of Ephesians, pp. 82-83, by Witness Lee)

Juliet C.
Juliet C.
7 years ago

Praise the Lord ! God’s eternal administration and economy that’s a truth. We must take it seriously. Amen

J. C.
J. C.
7 years ago

Praise the Lord ! You made a recovery way for Your chosen people show how deeply you love them. Many of us meeting in recovery church seem unable to realize the true meaning of recovery church. They don’t really care about recovery. Still use natural concept in meeting and doesn’t want to change. Pray Lord lights upon us.Amen

Noel G.
Noel G.
7 years ago

amen lord jesus

Rensis G.
Rensis G.
7 years ago

Head us up Lord!

Alexander R.
Alexander R.
7 years ago

Amen !!! Praise the Lord !!!

Johan W.
Johan W.
7 years ago

Amen. Lord we want to be one spirit with you to allow you to head us up in Christ in all things, so that you may obtain the church…

Rosalina M.
Rosalina M.
7 years ago

Amen, Ikaw ang driver ng aming buhay Lord Jesus,manguna Ka sa amin,

[AmenAmen, you are the Leader of our lives Lord Jesus, you’ll be the lead to us, AMEN]

Daniel G.
Daniel G.
7 years ago

Amen Lord for liberating us from the bondage under Satan’s usurpation and slavery and now be brought under You as the Head. Hallelujah!