God wants us to love Him back – willingly love Him! (young people’s conference in Poland)

Recently, there was a Young People’s Conference in Poland (Lipowiec), and some loving seekers of the Lord got together to enjoy the Lord and spend a weekend together in His Word! There is so much to say about this wonderful Christ, His Word, His divine life, and His Sweetness!

Below is the short but sweet sharing of some of the young ones who were there at the conference – what they enjoyed the most. [Read this portion also in Spanish / Puede leer esta porción también en español, ¡Dios quiere que respondamos a Su amor por nosotros, amándolo – que lo amemos voluntariamente! (conferencia para jóvenes en Polonia)]

We had wonderful time in Lipowiec this year. It was nice to see the young people praying, singing, and sharing. I was touched with the word that God loves us so much and He doesn’t want us to do anything for Him but only to love Him back. Without Him we are empty and lonely, and only He can fill this emptiness![sharing by sister Edyta O.]

Dear saints. I’d like to share with you with something what touched me during the conference in Lipowiec, Poland. The Bible is a book of life! When we believed in God we got a new life. God became our life and He is now the most important Person in our life. The Lord now just wants us to love Him and live with Him. He wants us to be open. He wants us to spend time with Him. I was touched that we can spend 7 minutes with the Lord. It’s only seven minutes, but it can be wonderful beginning of a day. O Lord, I want to spend at least 7 minutes every day with You! Praise the Lord, Hallelujah! [sharing by sister Klaudia S.]

In Lipowiec, away from the rest of the world (by being out there) we could focus only on enjoying the Lord! And the atmosphere was like in a real, big family 🙂 All I wished was that it had been a little longer – more then 3 days.  I enjoyed the most that God created us with free will and “put eternity in our heart [ a divinely implanted sense of a purpose working through the ages which nothing under the sun but God alone can satisfy]” Eccl. 3:11. We are not God’s slaves, He didn’t “force” us to love Him by creating us with that feeling. Our God is great so He gave us a choice – He doesn’t want slaves but people who love Him by choosing Him everyday in their daily life using their free will! Only in this way we can be partners of Christ! Slaves can’t be a partner of Christ, but Christ’s lovers can! Lord Jesus, be our choice every day! [sharing by Rafał S.]

About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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A believer in Christ
A believer in Christ
14 years ago

Amen, Amen, Amen
Yes Lord You are the most important Person in our life.
Lord Jesus we love you. We want to spend more and more time with You to know You and love You more.