The Unique Work in the Lord’s Recovery

The Unique Work in the Lord's RecoveryThe following articles are a compilation of the daily enjoyment while reading and praying over the Holy Word for Morning Revival book on, The Unique Work in the Lord’s Recovery. God today has one unique work, which is the building up of His Body for the preparation of His Bride so that He may return, bring in His kingdom and end this age. We need to see what is God’s unique work and we need to learn to be those who are willing to work together with God in His unique work in His recovery today. You can purchase the book online here, see enjoyment via Facebook, and you can follow the tag “The Unique Work in the Lord’s Recovery“.

Week 1 – Knowing the Work of God — the Unique Work in the Lord’s Recovery

Week 2 – The Pattern of the Lord Jesus— the Work of Christ in His Human Living and Earthly Ministry

Week 3 – A Work in Ascension, by the Spirit, and in the Divine Stream

Week 4 – Ambassadors of Christ with the Ministry of Reconciliation and Co-workers of God with an All-fitting Life

Week 5 – The Iniquity of the Sanctuary versus Building with Gold, Silver, and Precious Stones

Week 6 – Keeping the Principle of the Sabbath in Relation to the Work of Building

Week 7 – Ministering to the Lord to Enjoy Him as the Hidden Manna, the Budding Rod, and the Law of Life

Week 8 – The Work of the Ministry


  • Being Perfected to Grow in Life and to Function for the Building up of the Body


Week 9 – The Consummation of the Unique Work in the Lord’s Recovery—the New Jerusalem

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Joel Cabajes
Joel Cabajes
12 years ago

A wonderful day when a Christian in the Lord's recovery like me experience and enjoy the riches of Christ. Everyday in harmony and in one accord with all the saints throughout the Globe. Truly, God has blessed His recovery and work today as as what I experienced and enjoy thru this site. Praise The Lord Amen…

Anna Tay
Anna Tay
12 years ago

Praise the Lord!. I had been enjoying the riches of Christ here and is my morning breakfast.

Through this enjoyment I was able to learn to prophecy for the building up of the Body of Christ. Thank Him for His all sufficient grace. Amen.