The church today is Christ’s increase in life, but the eternal kingdom of God is Christ’s increase in administration.
God’s desire is to bring in His kingdom on the earth, but the earth is under Satan’s usurpation and what we see today is “a great human image”, the human government (which rebels against God, exalts man, and worships idols).
But Christ as a stone cut without hands will return together with His overcomers and will crush the great human image at its toes, and “Then the iron, the clay, the bronze, the silver, and the gold were crushed all at once, and they became like chaff from the summer threshing floors; and the wind carried them away so that no trace of them was found. And the stone that struck the image became a great mountain and filled the whole earth” (Dan. 2:35).
Christ with His overcomers will not only defeat Antichrist and his armies and crush the human government, but will also bring in the eternal kingdom of God for Him to reign forever and ever on the earth!
Today we need to be those who prepare themselves for this by allowing Christ to grow in us, increase in us, and fill us so that He may have an enlargement, an increase, a Bride, an army, who will be one with Him to bring Him back and crush the great human image!
Lord, grow in us! Increase in us. Spread into every part of our being. Saturate us with Your element. We want to cooperate with You today, Lord, by simply opening to You and allowing You to enter into every chamber of our being. Have a free way to come in, saturate, and permeate every part of our being with Yourself! Lord, gain us as Your increase, Your Bride, Your army!
The Kingdom of God will Fill the Whole Earth!
What we see today is a great and frightful human image – not very glorious, but in some cases strong while in most cases very weak (iron mixed with clay).
But Christ will appear as the God-cut stone – together with His overcomers, as the corporate Christ – and He will strike the ten kings with Antichrist (who will gather together to fight God directly) and the great human image will be destroyed, smashed, and found no more! Hallelujah!
Christ as the stone will then increase to fill the whole earth with the kingdom of God! The great human image will be replaced by the eternal kingdom of God on the earth (Rev. 11:15-17). This is God’s desire that He may fill the whole earth with His kingdom.
Today, Christ wants to fill the whole earth, but it has to begin with His people, some who see this and take the lead to be FILLED with Christ!
Just as the Lord told us in Matt. 6:9-10, we need to be the sons of God seeking to be filled with His divine and holy life, which causes us to be separated from anything common and be saturated with Him!
Every time we open to the Lord, the kingdom comes, and the King moves further in us by mingling Himself with us! May His will be done – His will is to fill us! If we know His will, we will pray,
Lord, may Your will be done! Fill us with Christ! Fill us with the Triune God! Fill us with God’s life and saturate every part of our being with Your divine life! Mingle Yourself with us. Increase in us until we become part of the prevailing smashing stone!
Christ Needs to Increase in Us!
In John 3 we see that Christ needs to increase and we need to decrease; Christ’s increase is His bride, the church. Just as Eve was the increase of Adam, so the church is the increase of Christ, and the bride is the increase of Christ as the Bridegroom.
Before Christ can bring in God’s kingdom to fill the whole earth He needs to have a group of people who allow Him to increase in them every day. Christ’s increase in life is the church, and Christ’s increase in administration is the kingdom of God.
We need to allow Christ to increase in us in His life, filling us and growing in our being, and we need to allow Christ to rule and reign in us, making us His kingdom.
He comes into us as the seed of life (Mark 4:26-29) and He grows in us unto maturity and fruit-bearing Christ sowed Himself into the soil of humanity, and He continues to grow and increase until He fills the whole earth! We need More Christ!
We need to use every minute to be filled with the Spirit, filled with Christ, and saturated with God! May we be those who take the lead today to allow the Father to saturate us and fill us with His life, the Son to mingle Himself with us, and the Spirit to fill us every day!
Christ Fills All in All!

In life Christ increases to become the church; in administration Christ increases to become the eternal kingdom of God.
As the stone cut without hands Christ is the centrality of God’s move. As the mountain that fills the whole earth, Christ is the universality of God’s move on earth. Christ is the all-inclusive One – He fills all and in all!
Today in the church we need to allow Him to fill all and in all (Eph. 1:23), and we need to make Christ our center and our circumference, our everything.
Christ increases in life to become the church, and Christ increases in His administration to become the kingdom of God – Christ is both the church and the kingdom of God (Mark 4:26-29; 1 Cor. 12:12; Luke 17:21).
The kingdom of God is a Person – the Lord Jesus Christ, who increases and is is enlarged until He fills all and in all! He is the Head over all things to the church, the fullness of the One who fills all in all!
Through regeneration we have entered God’s kingdom, and through growth in life we are in the development of the kingdom.
Daily we need to grow in life and be filled with Christ until we become one with Him and part of Him as the corporate smashing stone returning to destroy Antichrist and his armies, and bringing in God’s kingdom on the earth!
Lord Jesus, grow in us! Remove any barriers or hindrances to Your gradual and continual growth in our being. Thank You for sowing Yourself into the soil of our humanity. Grow in us today and fill us with Your life every day. Lord, we desire to be Your increase, Your enlargement, Your Bride. You MUST increase! You must be enlarged as the stone. Lord, grow in us and increase in us for the ending of this age and the bringing in of Your kingdom on earth!
References and Further Reading
- Sharing inspired from brother Dick Taylor’s speaking in this message and portions in, Life-study of Daniel (msg. 4), as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on Crystallization-Study of Daniel and Zechariah, week 3 (entitled, The Vision of the Great Image—the Controlling Vision in the Book of Daniel).
- Hymns on this topic:
# O Lord, I know that You will grow / And from my spirit overflow. / Lord, saturate me through and through— / O Lord Jesus, I love You.
# O Jesus Christ, grow Thou in me, / And all things else recede; / My heart be daily nearer Thee, / From sin be daily freed.
# Every time I say “Amen” to His Spirit / And walk by my spirit, / The kingdom seed grows and develops / Deep inside of me. - Pictures credit: Via, Inspiration Unlimited Facebook page, HWMR Daniel and Zechariah Quotes album.
At His appearing as the God-cut stone, Christ with His overcomers—the corporate Christ—will strike the ten kings with Antichrist (Rev. 19:11-21), thereby crushing the great image from the toes to the head (Dan. 2:35). This will be Christ’s universal judgment on the aggregate of human government from Antichrist back to Nimrod, thus ending the age of man’s government on earth in the old creation and initiating the age of God’s dominion over the entire earth in the millennium and in the new heaven and new earth for eternity. (Dan. 2:34, footnote 2)
During the age of mystery, Christ is building up the church to be His bride. His bride is the overcomers, those who have been fighting the battle against God’s enemy for years and who have already overcome the evil one. Lord, make us the overcomers today! Prepare Your bride!
From the time Christ came to sow Himself into the “soil” of humanity, He has been growing and increasing. Eventually this increase will become the great mountain that fills the whole earth to be the eternal kingdom of God. The church today is Christ’s increase in life, but the eternal kingdom of God is Christ’s increase in administration. Both the church and the kingdom are His increase. In other words, Christ is both the church and the kingdom, He is both the stone and the mountain, He is the centrality and universality of God’s economy in this universe.
“And the STONE that struck the image became a great mountain and filled the whole earth.” (Dan 2:35). Hallelujah! The great human image will be replaced with a great mountain, the eternal kingdom of God, which will fill the whole earth…At His coming Christ will end the age of man’s government and will usher in the age of God’s dominion…In God’s economy Christ is the centrality and the universality of God’s move. As the God-cut STONE, He is the centrality (center) and that as the mountain He is the universality (circumference). Christ truly is the all-inclusive One: He is the stone and also the mountain; He is the church and also the kingdom. He with His increase is the great mountain that fills the whole earth.
The STONE that struck the image is the corporate Christ: Christ with His overcomers, His bride, His increase, as His army…This increase of the stone into a great MOUNTAIN signifies the increase of CHRIST. In John 3 Christ is the Bridegroom and His bride is His increase. Ephesians 5 reveals the church whom Christ loved is His wife as His increase through His death and resurrection as typified by Eve as the increase of Adam.
Since the time Christ came to sow Himself into the “soil of humanity (Mark 4:26), He has been growing, increasing and maturing, and will bring forth a harvest (4:27-28). Today the church is Christ’s increase in life, but the eternal kingdom of God will be Christ’s increase in administration. In life Christ increases to become the church; in administration Christ increases to become the eternal kingdom of God. Eventually, this increase will become the great mountain that fills the whole earth to be the eternal kingdom of God. “O Lord, increase in us and lead us to live an overcoming life daily.”