Christ is coming to rule over the earth not mainly by judging or condemning but by watering!

Christ is coming to rule over the earth not mainly by judging or condemning but by watering!Praise the Lord for the sweet revelation concerning the Lord’s second coming in Psalm 72!

On the one hand the Lord Jesus will return to judge the earth, but on the other hand the aspect most emphasized in Psalm 72 is that Christ will come like showers to water the people of the earth! Christ will have mercy on the earth and He will come back graciously like showers of rain to satisfy the thirsty ones (see Psa. 72:6 and Rev. 22:17).

Even today, the Lord is ruling in us and bringing us under His dominion by watering us and falling as showers of rain on us to meet our needs…

Christ rules by watering, so the earth will flourish!

We need to have our eyes opened to see this revelation in the word of God – Christ rules over the earth by watering, and all the saints / the righteous ones will flourish! Psalm 72:6-10 says,

He will drop like rain upon mown grass, / Like abundant showers dripping on the earth. / In His days the righteous will flourish, / And there will be an abundance of peace / Until the moon is no more. / And He will have dominion from sea to sea / And from the River unto the ends of the earth. / The desert dwellers will bow down before Him, / And His enemies will lick the dust. / The kings of Tarshish and of the coastlands / Will pay tribute; / The kings of Sheba and Seba / Will present gifts. / And all the kings will bow down before Him; / All the nations will serve Him.

Yes, Christ comes to regain and recover the earth and bring it under His rule, but the way He does it is not mainly by judging or condemning but by watering!

Christ doesn’t rule in us by fighting, judging, or condemning; He rules in us by falling as rain and showers of rain upon us, by watering us abundantly with all the riches of the Triune God. Praise the Lord – He is not “forcing His way” but He shepherds us by watering us, by being like rain upon mowed grass…

People sin because they are thirsty

Remember the story where the Lord told Moses to speak to the rock when the people of Israel complained against him? The people complained and were murmuring because they were thirsty.

People today sin and do all kinds of evil things because they are thirsty. The whole earth is like a dry wilderness where people wander looking for water.

We need to see the real situation today the way God sees is, and not condemn people or judge them, but rather give them the living water to drink and be satisfied!

If we condemn, jude, or criticize the sinful ones – even though they may deserve to be condemned – we are not helping; rather, we may end up being dispensationally punished by God, as Moses was.

May the Lord have mercy on us and give us His heart for man that we may see that the way He wants to gain man, recover man, and rule over man is not by judging or condemning but by watering man!

Where the flow of living water is, there is the dominion of the Lord Jesus! People are happy when they drink the living water, and they are happy in the Lord’s kingdom!

Having a change in concept from judging to watering

If you have any Christian background you have heard before that the Lord will return to judge the earth and judge the evil people…. but today we need to be open to the Lord to have our concept changed and renewed according to what the Scripture says!

The Lord will reign from one end of the earth to another in His kingdom by watering all men and by making them happy when they drink the living water! The Lord Jesus will come back so graciously as showers of rain to water the barren land and to satisfy the depressed and empty people.

God loves man, and He sees the real need in man – man is disappointed, depressed, and empty because he is thirsty! This is why the Lord Jesus didn’t condemn or judge the Samaritan woman’s sins, even though He did confess them for her (see John 4).

The Lord came to this sinful woman primarily as living water and gave her to drink! The change that took place in her inner being once she drank of Christ as water was not because of the Lord’s exposing and condemning, but it was because of her drinking!

People today are thirsty and we ourselves also are thirsty. We do a lot of things and have many reactions to things just because we’re thirsty.

The Lord comes to satisfy our thirst and rain over us as showers of living water! [sharing inspired from the life-study of the Psalms, as quoted in the Morning Revival on the Crystallization-Study of Psalms (1). Intro: Christ recovers the earth by watering. Picture source: Rain is God’s gift.]

Lord, grant us to have a change in concept and a change of mind regarding Your return and Your ruling! O, Lord, we love the showers of rain, the showers of the flowing Triune God! Lord, we love the dripping of the living water into our being…. Keep us drinking of You, dear Lord Jesus, as the living water. May we never be thirsty for anything else, but may we drink and be satisfied with You as water flowing! Lord, rule in us by raining on us!

About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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Ofelia Cabahug on Fa
13 years ago

Praise the Lord! what a revelation! Thank you brother, this is so refreshing!

Ba H.
Ba H.
7 years ago

O, Lord, we love the showers of rain, the showers of the flowing Triune God! Lord, we love the dripping of the living water into our being…. Keep us drinking of You, dear Lord Jesus, as the living water. May we never be thirsty for anything else, but may we drink and be satisfied with You as water flowing! Lord, rule in us by raining on us!

Loita M.
Loita M.
7 years ago

We ask you for Rain ,in this latter & sping time Rain as we THIRST for you oh Lord fill us up with the River of living Waters of life

Charles S.
Charles S.
7 years ago

Amen, Come Lord Jesus!!

Juliet C.
Juliet C.
7 years ago

Praise the Lord! Amen