The tabernacle is not just a picture of the church life, but it is the Triune God for us to enter into, to partake of, and to enjoy! The entire Triune God was incarnated to become the enterable and enjoyable God for man to enter into God and enjoy God. And God’s incarnation is NOT a One Instant Event – it continues throughout the entire New Testament age, until it reaches the New Jerusalem, the eternal universal tabernacle! Every time man is regenerated God is incarnated! Every time we enjoy the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity, we become the incarnated God – God dwells in man and is expressed in man! [continue reading this sharing from message 2 of the winter training on the Crystallization-Study of Psalms(2)]
the secret revelation concerning the enjoyment of Christ as the incarnated Triune God
we are becoming the tree of life by being grafted into God and by living a grafted life!
We are not becoming “THE TREE OF LIFE” just as we are not becoming God in His Godhead, but by being grafted into Christ and as branches in the vine, we are part of the tree of life! When we are grafted into Christ, His divine life fills our human life, mingles with our human life, and spontaneously enriches, uplifts, and transforms our human life. In His economy God dispenses His divine life and element into us to mingle Himself with us and make us the same as He is. Now we are branches of the tree of life – and wherever we are, the tree of life is reaching out to others to minister life to them! [continue reading online]
the God who has become experiential to us through our being in Him is the true God and eternal life
The last part of 1 John 5:20 is very mysterious and yet very packed with meaning. John says, “This is the true God and eternal life”. What does “THIS” refer to? Why didn’t John just say, “He is the true God and eternal life”?
being in the light and guarding ourselves from any lie, vanity, or idols trying to replace God!
Vanity of vanities, says the Preacher; vanity of vanities; all is vanity. “No matter how good, excellent, marvelous, and wonderful a thing may be, as long as it is of the old creation, it is part of the vanity of vanities under the sun” – only the new creation, God mingled with man and man walking in God as the light, is reality!
God, Christ, the Spirit, and the Word of God are the reality, making us real and genuine
We all need to spend much time in the Word of God and in the presence of the Lord to see what is real, what is the reality in this universe, and how can we become real and genuine human beings. We all think we are OK, but when we come to the Word of God we discover that we live a lie, the whole world is a lie, and nothing that we can see, touch, or feel is real!
What is truth? We need to know what truth is and what is the reality in this universe
Today we are so fortunate and privileged to be under the ministry of the age, which has inherited all the truths recovered and uncovered in the Bible throughout the ages. When it comes to “cutting straight the word of the truth”, it is not MY portion to do so, but what we can do is enjoy the Word, enjoy the opening of the Word, and re-speak the truth! O, that the truth may be constituted into us and become part of us, even our reality, to make us real!
when we move out of ourselves and into the Triune God, we are one and even perfected into one!
Saints, the Lord Jesus knows our problem. He knows that we need to abide in Him so that He may abide in us and bear fruit in us (John 15:1-15). What does it mean, in this context, to abide in the Lord? It means that we need to move out of ourselves and into the Triune God as the universal vine and remain there!