In relation to the revival and restoration aspired for by all believers and unbelievers alike, there are many aspects and prayers all throughout the Minor Prophets. One of the most famous yet misinterpreted one is Joel 2:28-29, where God promises to pour out His Spirit upon all His people and revive them. Every day we […]
Experiencing the Outpouring of the Spirit and Being Stirred in our Spirit
seeing the significance of the Father’s house and being mingled more with God

The Father’s house is what is on God’s heart – He wants to obtain a house, a dwelling place, where He can express Himself in and through His people. When God gets a built up church as His house, He will be fully expressed and His glory will shine. To Christ, this is the Body […]
seeing the human history according to God and being in the divine history

In the Minor Prophets more than anywhere else we can see that behind and within the outward human history there’s a divine history that is taking place. We are taught history in school and we think that THIS is what’s really going on; but we need to see the universal history according to God’s economy, […]
being transformed in life by God’s everlasting and unchanging love for us

In the Minor Prophets and in the whole Bible we see a universal principle – the principle of restoration. On the one hand, God wants to restore the fallen and corrupted universe back to Himself, and He wants to recover the earth including His people Israel. On the other hand, God wants to have a […]
seeing the oneness practically portrayed in the gold rings in the tabernacle
The oneness the Lord Jesus prayed for in John 17 is very deep and mysterious, needing a lot of portions in the Bible to explain, expound, and make clear. Humanly speaking, how can we perceive such a oneness – the Triune God in us and us in the Triune God, we being brought into the […]
the believers are being made one in the divine glory for God’s expression

The third level of oneness in John 17 is the believers’ oneness in the divine glory for the corporate expression of the Triune God. The glory which the Father gave to the Son, this glory the Son gave to the believers that they may be one even as the Triune God is one. This is […]
all the believers are one in the Father’s name and by the Father’s divine life

The Lord Jesus had a deep aspiration for oneness, and this aspiration issued in the high prayer recorded in John 17 for the oneness of the Body of Christ as the enlarged oneness of the Divine Trinity. In this prayer, we can see three levels of oneness: oneness in the Father’s name and by the […]