We were Allotted Equally Precious Faith, and the Proving of our Faith is Precious!

The Lord needs to have a drastic recovery of the all-inclusive Christ as everything to us so that we may enjoy Christ, grow in life, and become living and functioning members of His Body to express Him on the earth. The Christ revealed in both the New and the Old Testament is rich, all-inclusive, and […]

Christ as Another Angel Cares for God’s People and Executes God’s Administration

When we as human beings think of or study the matter of the angels in the Bible we tend to get into things that the Bible doesn’t say but we personally like and prefer, and thus we are distracted from the main line of the divine revelation in the word of God. But we need […]

Christ is the Angel of the Covenant to Dispense the Riches of the Triune God into us

Our wonderful Christ is all-inclusive and all-extensive, and He is so much to us for our enjoyment and experience. Throughout the Bible, there are many titles, statuses, and riches of Christ that are being displayed, and in particular this week we are enjoying the matter of Christ being the Angel of Jehovah for His people […]

Christ as the Angel of Jehovah was Sent by God to Care for us, Lead us, and Serve us

In Exodus (and in many other books of the Bible) we see the title, “The Angel of Jehovah” being ascribed to a person who comes to call and send God’s people, care for them, admonish them, and do many things for them. On the one hand it is God Himself who loves and cares for […]

Worshipping the Father in Spirit and Truthfulness and in the Divine Dispensing

In the Bible there’s a whole chapter that speaks of the worship of God – John 4. Here we see the Lord Jesus taking a detour through a Samaritan city, and while His disciples went into the city to get some food, the Lord talked to a sinful Samaritan woman who came in the heat […]

Seeing that only God is God, we choose to Worship God by Confessing that He is God!

This week we will get into the matter of “The Worship of God” throughout the Bible in a crystallized way, especially as it relates to the book of Exodus. In Exodus God delivered His people from Egypt, brought them across the Red Sea, fed and cared for them in the wilderness, and brought them to […]

God wants us to Enjoy the Triune God in Christ Today and for Eternity as our Feast!

This week in our morning revival time we have been getting deeper into the three main feasts that God ordained that His people Israel would keep: the feast of unleavened bread, the feast of harvest, and the feast of the tabernacles. To be honest, before this week I never thought of these feasts much, but […]