The Screen and the Veil are Related to the Two Aspects of Reconciliation in 2 Cor. 5

This week we have been enjoying the spiritual significance of the two veils in the tabernacle (called the screen and the veil) and how they are related to the two aspects of reconciliation Paul speaks of in 2 Cor. 5. Both the screen (covering the entrance to the Holy Place) and the veil (covering the entrance […]

The Oneness of the Body of Christ is the Enlarged Oneness of the Divine Trinity

There are many wonderful aspects of the tabernacle in Exodus that are types of our Christian experience, and one of these is that the tabernacle typifies the oneness in the Triune God. Oneness in this universe is God Himself; only God is one, and the oneness in the Triune God is the unique and most […]

Experiencing Christ at the Two Altars to be Incorporated into God as seen in Psa. 84

Psalm 84 is a wonderful and mysterious psalm speaking of the psalmist’s appreciation and longing for the house of God; the two altars are mentioned in particular, as they refer to the leading consummations of the work of the incarnated Triune God for us to be incorporated into God. The psalmist loves the lovely tabernacles […]

Knowing God’s Ways by Knowing the Principles by Which He Does things and Deals with us

Moses’ prayer in Exo. 33:13 should also be our prayer, “Please let me know Your ways”, so that we may be those knowing God’s ways and thus know God Himself. Moses was respectfully asking God to let him know God’s ways so that he may be pleasing to Him; he was not begging nor religious, […]

We need to Know God and His Ways, and we Need to live with the Consciousness of God

In our morning revival these weeks we return to the Crystallization-study of Exodus, and this week in particular we focus on the topic of Knowing God and His Ways; we need to know God and His ways! Moses asked God saying, Let me know Your ways, that I may know You, so that I may […]

The Prayer that Expresses God’s Will according to the Pattern of the Lord’s Prayer

The Lord Jesus taught us in Matt. 6 a pattern of prayer – the prayer that expresses God’s will (see Matt. 6:9-15). The principle of prayer set forth by the Lord in this portion includes three basic prayers concerning God, three requests for our needs, and three reverent praises as extolling prayers; all these three […]

Offering Ourselves to God for His Fire to Burn in us and Motivate us for His Service

All the service that we as believers in Christ offer to God should be based on the fire that comes from God; we need to be those who are offering ourselves to God for His fire to burn in us and energize us to serve Him. In the Old Testament all the service of the priests […]