We Enjoy the Riches of God in Christ by Remaining in the Touch with the Lord

 Hallelujah, we can enjoy the riches of God in Christ by remaining in the touch with the Lord in our spirit day by day! In the universal household of God, the greatest household in the universe, Christ is the unique Steward having the key of David on His shoulder, and He opens and closes […]

We are Fired and Replaced by Christ – Now we Live one with Him and He Lives in us!

 As those who aspire to be the Lord’s overcomers today, the church of brotherly love, we need to realize that we have been fired and replaced with Christ, and today we live in an organic union with the Lord in which it is no longer us who live but Christ who lives in us. […]

We need to See and Practice the Present Truth to Change the Age and bring Christ back

 As believers in Christ pursuing Him and seeking Him we need to see, live, and practice the present truth, the up-to-date truth, in order to change the age and bring Christ back; we need to be brought into a new revival to turn the age by choosing to take the way of Philadelphia. Amen, […]

Hold to Truth to Grow into Christ, the Head, and Function out of the Head for the Body

 The intrinsic building up of the organic Body of Christ is by the direct building by all the members – into the Head and out of the Head; we need to hold to truth in love and grow up into Him, and out of the Head we will be richly supplied to function in […]

Abide in the Lord and produce Soothing Oil and Invigorating Wine to Comfort and Cheer

 As believers in Christ, we have been grafted into Him; we simply need to abide in the Lord and produce soothing oil and invigorating wine to comfort and cheer God and man. In order for us to partake of Christ with His riches, we need to be cut off from our old background, history, […]

Going on with God to have a Renewed and Enlarged Experience of Christ and the Church

 The Lord within us is aspiring that we would go on from the tabernacle church life in the wilderness of our soul to the temple church life with Christ as the reality of the good land in our spirit; our experience of Christ and our church life needs to be renewed and enlarged, strengthened […]

Paying Attention to the Mingled Spirit and Living and Walking According to the Spirit

 In the Lord’s recovery today we need to pay our full attention to the mingled spirit, the Spirit mingled with our spirit, and we should live, act, and have our being in the spirit so that we can truly reign in life and build up the church as the Body of Christ consummating in […]