Receive the Divine Transmission of the Exalted Christ to become God’s Fullness

God gave Christ to be Head over all things to the church; today we need to see, believe and receive the divine transmission of the exalted and ascended Christ to enjoy all the riches of Christ and become His fullness, the church life, for the corporate expression of Christ. Amen! May we be those who […]

In His Ascension God Inaugurated Christ to be the Lord of All and the Christ of God

In His ascension, God inaugurated Christ into His heavenly ministry to be the Lord to possess all and to be the Christ as God’s anointed to carry out God’s commission; the One who lives in us is in resurrection to give us life and power and in ascension to share His authority with us. Praise […]

Seeing that Christ was Crowned with Glory and Honor and was Enthroned in His Ascension

We need to see the objective aspect of the Lord’s ascension – in His ascension, He was crowned with glory and honour, and He was enthroned for God’s administration. Hallelujah! This week we come to a new topic in our morning revival in the series of labouring on the all-inclusive Christ; the topic this week […]

Press on into our spirit: the Living and Operative Word Divides our Soul from Spirit

Whenever we believers in Christ read the Bible, it needs to be living, energizing, and sharp to divide our spirit from our soul and discern our thoughts and intentions; we need to be saved from staggering in the wandering of our soul and press on into our spirit to enjoy the heavenly Christ to whom […]

Being Saved from Wandering in our Soul by the Living and Operative Word of God

We need to be saved from wandering in our soul and be brought into the enjoyment of the all-inclusive Christ in our spirit by the living and operative word of God which is able to divide our soul from our spirit; the means by which we enjoy Christ as the good land is this living […]

Bear the Sign of Resting with God to be Filled with Him first, then Working with God

As believers in Christ, we need to bear the sign of resting with God to be filled with Him first, and then working together with God in oneness with Him, even working in and by the One who fills us with Himself. After God created man, He rested and was refreshed; keeping the Sabbath and […]

We Diligently Seek the Lord to Enter into Rest today – Christ is our Sabbath Rest

We want to be those who diligently seek the Lord to enter into rest today, for Christ is the reality of the Sabbath rest in our spirit, and Christ is our real Sabbath rest to us today! As believers in Christ, we need to see that the Sabbath rest is Christ as our rest, typified […]