As we become the reproduction of Christ, we can experience and enjoy Christ as the Shepherd of our souls; He is the Shepherd of our souls, overseeing our inward condition, caring for the situation of our being, comforting us, and restoring our soul. What a wonderful Shepherd we have! The Apostle Peter speaks of Christ, […]
Today Christ as the Life-giving Spirit in our spirit is the Shepherd of our Souls
Our Priestly Service must Originate from God and be According to His Limitation
![But we will not boast beyond [our] measure but according to the measure of the rule which the God of measure has apportioned to us, to reach even as far as you. 2 Cor. 10:13](
As believers in Christ who are part of the holy and royal priesthood, we carry out our priestly service to the Lord; this service must originate from Him as the God of measure, and it must be according to His leading and His limitation. Amen! This week we have been enjoying the matter of life […]
We’re God’s Spiritual House and the Holy Priesthood Offering up Spiritual Sacrifices

As believers in Christ, we are a holy priesthood, the coordinated body of priests, to be the built-up spiritual house, and our corporate priestly service is to tell out as the gospel the virtues of the One who has called us so that we may offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. […]
Serve the Lord Faithfully as a Faithful and Prudent Slave by His Resurrection Life

Our desire is to serve the Lord faithfully as a faithful and prudent slave by His resurrection life and power, depending on Him in all things in our service to Him. As believers in Christ who love the Lord and want to serve Him faithfully, we want to be faithful and prudent slaves who give […]
Serve God out of Love and Serve Others with Christ by Ministering Christ to them

We serve God out of love for Him and we serve others with Christ by ministering Christ to them. As believers in Christ, we are slaves of God serving Him; our inward motive is loving the Lord, and we use the Lord’s gift to build up the church by serving others with Christ and ministering […]
We Believers are Slaves Serving the Lord with the Spiritual Gifts He has Given us

We believers in Christ are slaves serving the Lord with the spiritual gifts He has given to us. As believers in Christ, we have a dual status before God: from the aspect of life, we are virgins growing in life, loving the Lord, and being filled with the Spirit, and from the aspect of service, […]
Serve the Lord by Trusting in His Mercy in the Selection of Grace: God is Sovereign!

We believers in Christ serve God by trusting in His mercy in the selection of grace, for God is sovereign and merciful. When we see God’s sovereignty, we will simply worship Him for His sovereign mercy, for He is the One who does everything in us and for us; even in bearing the responsibility, He […]