Our Priestly Duty is to Pray and Read the Word to have God’s Speaking, His Shining

As believers in Christ, it is our priestly duty to burn the incense and light the lamps, that is, pray and read the word of God, so that the churches may be shining and the lampstand would be bright. The light of the lampstand depends on the strength of our priestly service; if we exercise […]

We enter the Holy of Holies by the Blood of Jesus to touch the Throne of Grace in Spirit

The expiation cover on the Ark in the Holy of Holies equals the throne of grace in Heb. 4:16; as believers in Christ, we have boldness in the blood of Jesus to enter the Holy of Holies and touch the throne of grace in our spirit. This is the key: touching our spirit, the mingled […]

God Meets us, Speaks to us, and Infuses us on the Propitiating Christ in the Glory

The fact that God met with His people and spoke to them from above the expiation cover and between the cherubim signifies that God meets with us and speaks to us in the propitiating Christ and in the glory expressed by Him as His testimony. This is very significant, for we cannot just meet God […]

A Nazarite is a Man According to God’s Heart and one who Flees Lusts to Pursue Christ

Samuel was a Nazarite, a man according to God’s heart, for God’s heart was duplicated in him; Samson, on the other hand, was a negative example of what being a Nazarite is. God’s desire is that all His people would be Nazarites, those who see His heart’s desire and are joined to Him in His […]

Being the Faithful Nazarites who Minister as Priests, Prophets, and Men of Prayer

In the Scriptures there is a contrast between two Nazarites: Samuel and Samson, where Samuel is a positive pattern of a faithful Nazarite, being one who ministered to God and His people as a Nazarite, a prophet, a priest, a judge, and a man of prayer. His mother Hannah lived in the time of Eli […]

A Built-up Church is both Lovely to the Lord and a Warring Church to Defeat Satan

As believers in Christ, we are members of the Body of Christ, the church, and we are both the loving bride of Christ and the warring church, the church who fights the battle against the enemy to defeat him and stand in the victory of Christ. The church as the bride of Christ must be […]

We need to Match God in His Move on Earth today by Serving Him and Ministering Christ

The holy service portrayed in Numbers was for a God who is very active and moving; our priesthood and service is not for Christ who is inactive but for a Christ who is very active, and we must match God in His move. On one hand as believers in Christ we are a holy and […]