We Ask, Seek, and Knock in Prayer to Receive God’s Riches and Feed Others also

As we are contacting people and in dealing with them, we must ask, seek, and knock in prayer for the proper way to contact them; we must receive the divine supply and minister this supply to others. In Matt. 7 we see the way for us as kingdom people – as citizens of the kingdom […]

Practice Living a Hidden Life with God by Living by the Hidden Life of our Father

As believers in Christ we are citizens of the kingdom of God, and as kingdom people we need to practice living a hidden life in secret with the Lord, that is, we need learn to live by the hidden life of our Father. The principle of the kingdom people is that they live a hidden […]

As Kingdom People we do our Righteous Deeds in Spirit in Secret to Please the Father

According to Matt. 6, the principle of the kingdom people is that they live a hidden life, not performing their righteous deeds before men but in secret to please the Father, for the Father sees in secret and rewards in secret. Our living as kingdom people today, those who live in the kingdom of God, […]

Living Christ for the Body by Letting Christ’s Word Dwell in us and being Open Vessels

We can live Christ for the reality of the Body of Christ by being filled with the Spirit, by letting the word of Christ dwell in us richly, by praying unceasingly, and by being open vessels to the Lord. May we really be open vessels to the Lord, those who are not filled with their […]

In the Divine Light in Church Meetings we Clearly see God’s Administration and His Move

The seven lamps of the golden lampstand are the seven Spirits before God’s throne, the seven lamps of fire burning before God’s throne, showing us that the seven lamps are related to God’s move and administration. We have seen our need to light the lamps in the Holy Place, which is related to our being […]

Lighting the Lamps to Enter the Holy of Holies and Enjoy the Depths of Christ in God

What a privilege it is for us as priests to light the lamps in the Holy Place, in the meetings of the church, so that we may see the way into the Holy of Holies and to enjoy the different rich aspects of Christ with God! This is both our responsibility and our privilege as […]

Causing Light to Ascend by the Humanity of Jesus saturated with the Spirit of Christ

It is our priestly duty as believers in Christ to light the lamps by causing the light to ascend in the church life, especially in the church meeting; this was a perpetual statute for the priests in the Old Testament and it is our duty today. On one hand, the divine light comes from God, […]