Following is my sharing about NACT 2023 – Love Prevails & Holding to Truth. Just too enjoyable the college training! Love prevails & holding to truth – Enjoyment from the 2023 NACT Two parallel lines: Love and Truth Love = God; Truth = God; Love = God = Truth Love Importance of love: It is […]
Love Prevails & Holding to Truth – Enjoyment from the 2023 NACT
A Fresh Seeing of God as Love and Knowing God’s Universal Love (2023 NACT)

This was my first time attending the North America College Training (NACT 2023). Before going, I prayed to the Lord that He would really shine in me and gain a breakthrough in my being. I thank the Lord He honoured my prayers and spoke a personal word to me during this time. Growing up in […]
Holding to Truth in Love and Loving the Lord with all our Heart (2023 NACT)

There are two lines to this NACT training – “Love Prevails”, and “Holding to Truth in Love”. In the Bible, we can see that both truth and love are very closely related. Eph. 4:15 speaks of “holding to truth in love”, 1 Cor. 13:6 says that “(love) rejoices with the truth”, and 2 Thes. 2:10 says […]
Holding to Truth, Love Prevails, and Loving God with the First Love (2023 NACT testimony)

The NACT (North American College Training 2023) this year was a great experience for me, in which I had many enjoyments. As always week-long conferences such as the WST (Winter School of Truth) expose my worldly living and NACT did not fail to do the same. I personally struggle with upholding a consistent good Christian […]
When Christ makes His Home in our Heart, we take Him as our Person in an Adequate Way

We first take Christ as our person and then take Him as our life; when we received the Lord, He as a person came into us, and Christ desires to make His home in our hearts so that His person would become our person for the church as the one new man. To take […]
We need to Deny the Soul and take Christ as our Person to Live in our Spirit

We need to deny the soul and take Christ as our person in order to live in our spirit; this is our practical experience of Christ for the building up of the church. As believers in Christ, we need to realize that our regenerated spirit is the inner man with the indwelling Christ as […]
Christ’s Humanity bears the Aroma of His Resurrection – He lived a Crucified Life

The humanity of Christ bears the aroma of His resurrection, for He lived a crucified life to express God. Christ’s Spirit-filled and resurrection-saturated living was a satisfying fragrance to God, and Christ always lived a life under the cross, being “seasoned with salt” for man and God to enjoy and be supplied. May we […]