Christ as the reality of the burnt offering lived in this world a life of God as love, and He’s now our life that we may do the same; when we activate the law of love, we love one another with God as love, love is perfected in us, and we bear one another […]
Abide in God as Love to Live a Life of Love and Bear one another’s Burdens
Christ Dwells in us and We Remain in Him (2023 Autumn Uni Conference)

There was much to appreciate about this year’s Autumn University Conference: meeting old friends, making new ones, campfires and hymns to the Lord, an informative Q&R session, and a lesson in humility in chess. However, my foremost enjoyment from the conference is our relationship with Christ, and more particularly Christ within us. God does not […]
Contact the Lord and Live in Spirit to Live Christ according to the Pattern of Jesus
![Because those whom He foreknew, He also predestinated [to be] conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the Firstborn among many brothers. Rom. 8:29](
When we love the Lord, contact the Lord, and live in spirit, we spontaneously live Christ according to the pattern of Jesus as seen in the Gospels. As believers in Christ, we are learning Christ as the reality is in Jesus; as we love the Lord, contact Him, pray to Him and live in […]
Endeavor to Reach the High Peak of the Reality of the Body of Christ to Close this Age

We need to pray and endeavour to reach the high peak of the reality of the Body of Christ in this age to be the Lord’s overcomers and close this age to bring the Lord back. The corporate living of the perfected God-men as the reality of the Body of Christ will close this […]
Being Rescued out of the Present Evil Age by the Revelation of God’s Son in us (2023 Autumn Uni Conference)

Praise the Lord for the uni conference. I’ve been attending the uni conferences, and I’m always encouraged when I see all the students gather together from many different campuses and universities. It’s encouraging to see that the Lord is moving and growing in so many cities in UK. At this conference, I noticed there was […]
Christ living in us (enjoyment from the 2023 Autumn Uni Conference UK)

The topic of the 2023 Autumn University Conference was, Christ revealed in us, living in us and being formed in us. I am crucified with Christ, and it is no longer I who live, but it is Christ who lives in me; and the life which I now life in the flesh I live in […]
Have the Maturity in Life and be Faithful in our Daily Duties to be Ready for Rapture

While we are waiting for the Lord’s coming and expect to be raptured, we need to be faithful in our daily duties, living a properly balanced human life while simultaneously living in the divine and mystical realm so that He may rapture us when He returns. Amen, we want to be raptured by the Lord […]