Hallelujah, God’s glory will return to the church as the built-up and completed house of God! When the church as the house of God is built up and completed, the glory of God will return; God wants to return with His glory in His house, but He is waiting for the building up of […]
God’s Glory will Return to the Church as the Built-up and Completed House of God
Stirred in Spirit for the Building up of the Church for the Desire of the Nations to Come

We need to be stirred in spirit for the building up of the church as the house of God so that Christ, the desire of all the nations, may come! May the Lord stir us up in our spirit to respond to His call and come and work in the house of the Lord […]
Offer Ourselves as a Living Sacrifice and Offer Christ to God for His Satisfaction

For us to live a life of the continual burnt offering is to be a living sacrifice for God’s satisfaction; we need to worship God with Christ as the burnt offering for God’s satisfaction to fulfil His desire. Amen! God created us in His image and according to His likeness for us to express […]
Because we’re Not Absolutely for God, we need to take Christ as our Burnt Offering

Because we are not absolutely for God, we need Christ as the burnt offering; only Christ lived a life absolutely for God, and this One is acceptable and pleasing to God, and as such a One He is in us to be our life enabling us to live the same kind of life today. […]
The Recovery of the Altar: Offering Everything to the Lord for His Satisfaction

For us to have the recovery of the church as the house of God, we need to have the recovery of the altar, and we need to offer everything on the altar for God’s interests and for His satisfaction. This week we come to the third main crystal in the books of 1 and […]
Engage in Spiritual Warfare by Praising the Lord; Christian Life Soars through Praise

From the portion in 2 Chronicles 20:15-22 we can learn to engage in spiritual warfare by praising the Lord; the Christian life soars through praise, and the highest expression of our spiritual life is our praise to God. Praise the Lord! This is one of the last and highest crucial aspect of living in […]
Praying Prayers that Express God’s Will and our Desire to Enlarge our Borders

As believers in Christ, we need to be those who have prayers that express God’s will and our desire to have our spiritual border be enlarged; we need to see God’s will, pray it back to Him, and ask the Lord to enlarge our enjoyment of Christ. Amen! This week we are considering crucial […]