Even during the period of the decline of the church, when there’s a downward trend and most of God’s people are carried away, we need to be among the remnant of God’s people who receive mercy from the Lord to remain faithful to Him, and we need to be patterns of people who live in […]
Receive the Lord’s mercy to be a Pattern to the Believers by Living in the Spirit
Learn from Jesus to Walk according to the Father’s Nature to do the Father’s Will
As believers in Christ who love the Lord and pursue Him, we need to run the Christian race according to the Father’s nature to do the Father’s will, being constricted in our running to only do the will of our heavenly Father and not focus on doing a great work for Him. This week we […]
Enjoy, Apply and Live Christ, being Filled with the Full Knowledge of God’s Will
We need to be filled with the full knowledge of God’s will to know that God’s will is for us is that we know Christ, experience Him, live Him, and have Him as our everything, so that we may walk worthily of the Lord, having a walk in which we live Christ. Amen! May the […]
The Church is the Means used by God to Fulfill His Purpose and Settle His Problems
The church as the Body of Christ is the unique means for God to fulfill His purpose and settle all His problems, and for us to live a life for the fulfilment of His purpose, we need to know and do the will of God; God’s will is to mingle Himself with us to obtain […]
God’s Eternal Purpose is to Mingle Himself with Man to gain the Body of Christ
God’s eternal purpose is to dispense Himself into His people to make them the same as He is in life and nature but not in the Godhead for His enlarged and expanded expression. The answer to all questions is God’s economy, and His intention is to mingle Himself with man to produce the church as […]
God Called and Separated us for His Purpose for us to Live a Life for God’s Purpose
We believers in Christ have been saved and called by God with a holy calling according to God’s purpose; God’s purpose is the meaning of our life and the meaning of the universe, and His purpose needs to become our purpose, for we’re here not living a meaningless life but a life for God’s purpose. […]
Exercise our Spirit to have a Spirit of Power and of Love and of Sobermindedness
For us to exercise our spirit, we must deal with the parts of our soul surrounding our spirit so that we may have a spirit of power and of love and of sobermindedness, and we need to rejoice in the Lord and set our mind on the spirit to enjoy life and peace. Hallelujah for […]