enjoying God in the house of God: beholding His beauty, tasting His goodness, and being saturated!

Our God is enjoyable – and He created us with the need for enjoyment… In the house of God we know and testify that God Himself is so enjoyable and pleasant! Praise the Lord, our God is an enjoyable God in an enjoyable house! This means that there’s loveliness, pleasantness, and delightfulness here – to behold the beauty of the Lord is pleasant, delightful, and lovely!

a lifelong enjoyment of the divine goodness and lovingkindness in the house of Jehovah(Psalm 23)

Psalm 23 is a psalm on God’s economy, and God’s economy has as its goal the church, the house of God! The last verse in Psalm 23 therefore says, Surely goodness and lovingkindness will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of Jehovah for the length of […]

You spread a table before me in the presence of my adversaries; You anoint my head with oil; my cup runs over

 Psa. 23:5 is the fourth stage of the deeper and higher enjoyment of the resurrected Christ, where the Lord spreads a table before us in the presence of our adversaries and He anoints our head with oil, our cup runs over! What a rich portion! What a rich Christ! Right after our passing through the […]

the Lord as our Shepherd makes us lie down in green pastures and leads us beside waters of rest

Hallelujah, the Lord Jesus is our Shepherd and under His loving tender care we lack nothing! This morning I was encouraged when I read Psalms 23:1-2 (Jehovah is my Shepherd; I will lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside waters of rest) together with John 10:11 (I am […]

enjoying the Lord Jesus and partaking of Him at the Lord’s Table Meeting on the Lord’s Day!

The most important meeting of the week and the meeting you CANNOT miss is the Lord’s Table Meeting. Instituted by the Lord Jesus before His departure from the earth to be a replacement of the Passover and the real Passover (Luke 22:20; 1 Cor. 11:25), the Lord’s Table Meeting is for us to remember the […]

as young people in Europe, we are fighting at the front line of the battle for the Lord(2011 Poland camp)

Praise the Lord for another wonderful Christ filled week at the 2011 Poland Camp. This year the subject for the Camp was ‘Crucial Aspects of God’s Economy Portrayed in Exodus’. The Book of Exodus unlike Genesis begins negatively – Exodus begins with the Children of Israel in a situation of slavery in Egypt under Satan’s […]

we are going through a metamorphic change to become the Body of Christ, God’s glorious expression

The Body of Christ is a mysterious organism composed of the union and mingling of the Triune God and the believers (see Eph. 4:4-6). In the Body of Christ we as the believers are joined to the Triune God and are being continually mingled with the Triune God. In this organic structure, God the Father […]