The life in the training is a practice of the kingdom life. I wasn’t bothered that much by the outward problems and difficulties that I faced, but I started to see my old man who is very active, wanting to fulfill God’s law. But I realized that only Christ can make it. I must be defeated and let Christ be victorious in me in every way [read online the sweet testimony of a trainee after his first semester in the FTTL, the Full Time Training in London, UK]
a trainee’s testimony – the full time training is the best place to be infused with God!
being a Christian Student on the campus – eating and drinking Christ, and staying in the Body!
As a Christian living in this current age, sometimes we might experience a failure of our spiritual life. Sometimes we might trip and fall a bit. Just remember the power of the blood of Jesus Christ. Just remember that even the apostle Paul said “Not that I have already obtained or am already perfected” and then the next phrase says, “But I pursue.” Yes! We can pursue! We have the right to pursue our precious Lord! Pursue Him with the saints! Let us forget the things behind, stretch forward to the things before, and pursue toward the goal together to the New Jerusalem. [continue reading this article online]
begetting through the gospel, feeding others with spiritual food, and building with precious materials
For us to build with gold, silver, and precious stones, we need to be constituted with the divine nature of the Father as gold, the redemptive work of Christ as the silver, and the transforming work of the Spirit as the precious stones. We as builders need to become these precious materials in order to build others with them and help them also become precious materials. We need to be transformed to be precious materials by being daily constituted with the Triune God, and we will be built into the house of God. Then we will be qualified to build the house of God with other believers as the transformed materials… [continue reading online]
sowing the seeds of life, planting Christ into people, and watering others with living water
The flow of the divine life in us makes us ministers of the new covenant (2 Cor. 3:6). A competent minister of the new covenant has six statuses in 1 Corinthians – a sower sowing the seeds of life, a planter planting Christ into others, a waterer with the water of life, a begetter of others in Christ, a feeder of the believers, and a builder of the building of God. [continue reading online]
being a Christian student on the Campus – so sweet to start uni with the saints in the church life!
This semester has been so enjoyable. This has been my first semester at uni and at the same time in the church life – and the difference is so big! I know that I have a solid support network and the more I focus on the Lord, the less I worry and the more I enjoy my lessons. The best part is the saints. They support me in every way, they help me with my work, they cheer me up when I’m down, they entertain me when I’m bored… [read more online]
we are becoming the tree of life by being grafted into God and by living a grafted life!
We are not becoming “THE TREE OF LIFE” just as we are not becoming God in His Godhead, but by being grafted into Christ and as branches in the vine, we are part of the tree of life! When we are grafted into Christ, His divine life fills our human life, mingles with our human life, and spontaneously enriches, uplifts, and transforms our human life. In His economy God dispenses His divine life and element into us to mingle Himself with us and make us the same as He is. Now we are branches of the tree of life – and wherever we are, the tree of life is reaching out to others to minister life to them! [continue reading online]
eating the tree of life and being organically one with Christ as branches abiding in the vine
Even if our life would be perfect, God would not have wanted it – God wants to mingle His divine life with our human life, He wants to be joined and mingled with man to be man’s life and everything! The life we live today as Christians is a mingled life by continually minding our mingled spirit (Rom. 8:6). [continue reading online]