In the entire Scriptures we see that God’s ultimate goal and His purpose is to build a temple a dwelling place, which is mutual abode for Himself and His elect. This is what is on His heart, and this is what He desires. In order for Him to build up such a dwelling place, God […]
seeing our responsibility as the church and rising up to pray fighting prayers!
Christ will restore the kingdom of David for the restoration of the entire universe
In Amos 9:11-12 we see a great prophecy concerning Christ’s return to restore the people of Israel and all the nations, In that day I will raise up the fallen tabernacle of David, and I will wall up its breaches and raise up its ruins and build it up as it was in the days […]
spiritual warfare is not an individual matter – we fight the battle in the Body
The whole universe is in a state of warfare, and the believers in Christ are at the forefront of the battle. We need to see that this spiritual warfare is not an individual matter – it is not an individual believer that puts on the whole armor of God and fights against the enemy. Satan […]
we are becoming beautiful to the Lord Jesus and terrifying to the enemy!
What God desires to obtain today is the overcomers, the mighty ones, those who overcome His enemy today to bring in His kingdom. In Song of Songs we see that the mighty ones are “as beautiful as Tirzah, as lovely as Jerusalem, as terrible as an army with banners” (S. S. 6:4, 10). As we […]
staying in the divine romance to become the victory of the overcoming Christ
“The mighty ones” (in Joel 3:11) are produced in the divine romance – just stay with the Beloved, love Him, let Him love you, and you will be produced as a mighty one, an overcomer! Our beloved Lord Jesus is the Mighty One, and His love prevails, His love will break through in us! If […]
being in harmony with God’s will and standing in the victory of Christ
There are no “pacifists” in the military sense in God’s economy – with Satan you cannot make peace or shake hands. Satan is incorrigible, incurable, and he will never change. Spiritual warfare is necessary, and spiritual warfare is a reality because Satan’s will is SET against God’s will! God has a will (see Eph. 1), […]
there’s a state of war in the universe – we must choose to be the mighty ones!
As the Lord Jesus is daily drawing us to Himself we have the honor of choosing to respond in love by living in the divine history that is unfolding within the human history today. May we be those who do not live primarily or mainly in the outward human history only but those who have […]