The world situation has always been an indicator of the Lord’s move on the earth, and God moves in a specific way in every age. Today there’s a mystery of lawlessness operating among men, and there’s something restraining it…. Among human society today there’s the mystery of lawlessness operating, and this lawlessness will culminate in […]
Antichrist, the Mystery of Lawlessness, and what our Attitude Should Be Today
Enjoying and Experiencing Christ as the Lamb-Stone-Savior with Seven Eyes
In Zech. 3:9 we see that Christ is the stone with seven eyes, engraved by God, for God’s building (the temple of God). The stone which was set before Joshua is not merely a type of Zerubabel (the leader of the Jews then) but a type of Christ, the stone for God’s building. In the […]
Being Faithful to Pray for God’s Move and His Economy even in Face of Opposition
In Daniel 1-6 we see how Satan attacks, deceives, blinds, lures, and tries to put down some of the remnant of God’s people who still overcome even while in Babylon. Satan used Nebuchadnezzar to destroy the holy city and the holy temple, and it seemed like God’s expression on earth was wiped out. Yet God […]
Being Victorious over the Seduction of Idol Worship and Any Spiritual Blindness
In each of the first six chapters of Daniel, we see an aspect of how Daniel and his three companions overcame Satan and his stratagems. In the first chapter, we see that Daniel and his companions were victorious over the demonic diet, choosing rather to eat food according to the Word of God – and […]
Being the Shining Stars in this Dark Age, the Messengers in the Churches
In Daniel 12:3 we see that, “Those who have insight will shine like the shining of the heavenly expanse, and those who turn many to righteousness, like the stars, forever and ever.” In the beginning of the New Testament Christ was the shining star, but at the end in Revelation 2 we see that there […]
12 Ways to Engage in the Spiritual Warfare and Bring in God’s Kingdom
Because there’s a spiritual warfare going between God’s kingdom and Satan’s kingdom, and because we are on God’s side as His people, everything we do for God is in the nature of a warfare. Preaching the gospel is actually delivering people from the authority of darkness (Acts 26:18). The purpose of the spiritual warfare and […]
Praying and Fighting for the Coming of the Kingdom of God to Earth Today
In the spiritual realm, there’s a warfare going on ever since Satan rebelled against God. Today God is looking for men on earth who stand one with Him and pray to cooperate with Him and defeat His enemy. Our prayer is a battle – the goal of our prayer is to bring in the kingdom […]