What is the Lord’s recovery? It’s the recovery of the enjoyment of Christ and the practice of the church life

The primary and crucial aspect of the Lord’s recovery is to recover the dispensing of the Triune God as life (“Zoe” – the divine, eternal, incorruptible, indestructible, uncreated life of God) into His redeemed people in order that He may be fully expressed on the earth. In order to recover this God must have a […]

calling on the name of the Lord is our daily Christian practice, and it is so normal

Actually, the first believers / disciples were recognized by their calling on the name of the Lord Jesus – that’s how Paul, when he was Saul, would find them and then imprison them. This practice of calling on the name of the Lord is not something new or invented by someone, but it is a […]

God’s heart’s desire and His eternal purpose, His economy, are related to man!

From eternity past to eternity future, God was, is, and will be. He simply exists: He existed even before time began! But at one point there was a council in the divine Trinity – The Triune God took a decision, He had a counsel – He wants a corporate expression in this universe (Gen 1:26)! For this, […]

we depend on what we eat and we become what we eat: let’s eat Christ!

I’m still considering the picture in the garden of Eden, which is actually what is going on within us today: we are being put in front of the two trees daily – the tree of the knowledge of GOOD and evil, and the tree of life. The simple fact that God cares so much about […]

God is glorified in the church, where His wisdom is made known to His enemy!

God’s original intention in creating man is expressed in Genesis 1:26 “Let Us make man in our image and according to our likeness, and let them have dominion over…” – Image and Dominion. Image: God wants to be expressed, manifested, shown to the entire universe in what the depth of His riches are – He […]

It is human to need God; as men, we need God!

I read this tract recently: It’s Human to need God, and I realized that it is so true: as human beings, as men, we need God! It’s not mainly because we are sinners that we need Him – Adam, in the garden of Eden, was not a sinner yet, and still he needed God as […]

we are now in the process of becoming like Him

God became a man in the Lord Jesus Christ for the purpose of making us also the same as He is! His hearts’ desire is to have man as His counterpart (Rev. 19:7), His expression, the same as He is. That’s why He “bothered” / “took the pain” of becoming a man: the infinite God […]