As we saw in the previous portion, Christ as the all-inclusive replacement of everything else in God’s economy with Himself is represented by David – Christ is the real David, since He is the One who builds the house of God and the kingdom of God. As the greater David, Christ has built up the […]
Christ as our replacement is a peg driven into a sure place, a throne of glory, and the One on whom all the vessels hang
This wonderful all-inclusive Christ as the compound Spirit becomes our replacement daily by firing us and replacing us with Himself!
The Christ revealed in the book of Isaiah specifically is so rich: He is not just the Redeemer and the Savior, but He is so much more! God’s economy is simply that this Wonderful Person, Christ, would be worked into our being little by little, so that He would replace us with Himself in an […]
The processed and consummated Triune God as the flowing living water is our practical salvation
How wonderful – today we are being saved by water: we’re saved by drinking the living water as the consummation of the processed Triune God! Just as we shared before, God’s intention in His economy is to be the fountain / the source of living waters to His people, so that they may drink of […]
take the rod (apply the death of Christ to your situation) and speak to the rock(speak to Christ in faith)!
This week we’re getting into the message entitled, Drawing Water with Rejoicing from the Springs of Salvation – in the Crystallization-study of Isaiah(1). Today I was reminded of the fact that most of the problems and murmurings in the church life are due to the shortage of the Spirit of life. The people of Israel […]
only by coming to God as the fountain of living waters can we be satisfied fully and become His expression today!
In Isaiah and in Jeremiah we see God dealing with His people, and many times we have the impression that “God wants to punish Israel” – all those judgements, wars, etc. But there is a verse in Jeremiah that sheds some fresh light on what God desires from His people, how does He want to […]
we are now light in the Lord, so therefore let us walk as children of light, bearing the fruit of the light
It is so easy to “miss it” when you come to a verse that you have read so many times, and it is quoted by others so often. This morning I enjoyed these two simple verses in Ephesians 5:8-9, For you were once darkness but are now light in the Lord; walk as children of […]
The Lord Jesus is Emmanuel, God with us, even the Spirit with our spirit, so real and available!
This morning I was enjoying some verses that speak about the Lord being Emmanuel, God with us(from the Crystallization-study of Isaiah (1), the message on The Sign of Christ’s Incarnation and the Unveiling of Christ as the Wonderful One. In Matthew 1:23 we read: “Behold, the virgin shall be with child and shall bear a […]