Why are people immoral? Because they are not satisfied. In the world we fill ourselves with meaningless and temporary pleasures such as education, clothes, money, and religion. However the only way we can be truly filled is by drinking the Living Water that Jesus provides. In John 4, Jesus meets a Samaritan woman at a […]
if you’re not drinking Christ you’ll never be satisfied!(college age conference sharing)
I have eternal life in me, nothing can take that away (sharing from the college age conference)
The young people’s conference is arguably one of the best weekends I’ve ever had. The environment was plush, green, and cool, away from the many distractions London offers; the meals were extraordinary, but more importantly, the fellowship I had with the saints brought me closer to the knowledge and presence of God than anything ever […]
I have come that they may have life and have it abundantly! (sharing from the college age conference)
Praise the Lord! What a wonderful conference! I really enjoyed going through the whole Gospel of John. Even though I knew all these stories from before – since I was a girl my parents were reading them for me – I never saw things that clearly as in the last weekend. It is so wonderful […]
we need to enjoy our God as living water, even as the waters – come to Him to drink and flow!
God’s desire is this – that we may come to Him and drink of Him as the fountain of living waters! Even at the end of a long feast, when supposedly the people who were feasting would be full and satisfied, Christ stood out and cried in John 7:37-38, Now on the last day, the […]
Whoever is thirsty, let him come and drink the water of life! Are you thirsty? Come to Christ and drink!
This morning I was impressed with the fact that the Triune God went through the process of incarnation, human living, crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension, to become the living water for us to drink! Now He has become our practical salvation to be drunk and enjoyed by us! What shall I give unto the Lord for […]
God’s pleasure is to be the fountain of living waters to dispense Himself into us and make us His increase
This is what God desires – this is His good pleasure, the desire of His heart – to be the fountain of living waters that man may drink Him, enjoy Him, be filled with Him, and become His enlargement, His increase, His expression. In His economy, God intends to be the fountain, the source, of […]
the river of water of life in the Bible – the Triune God flows as living water for us to drink and flow!
Throughout the whole Bible there is a line of the river of water of life, which typifies the flowing Triune God! It starts in Genesis – right there, in the garden of Eden, after the mentioning of the tree of life, there is the river that flows and reaches out to all the earth! This […]