a normal healthy fear of God keeps us from God’s judgement(podcast #35 from ageturners)

We need to have a healthy normal fear of God in order for us to be preserved and sanctified in our daily living. The Lord is coming and He will judge the righteous and the unrighteous. What is it that motivates us to fear Him in the most healthy and proper way? As young people […]

the beautifying and killing function of the Word of God(sharing from the conference in London)

Oh, Lord Jesus, I come to You right now! Dispense Yourself into me, and speak to my heart, Lord! Speak in my speaking. Amen! [the following is sister Fay T’s sharing from the recent International Conference in London 2011] The past International Blending Conference was on the general subject of THE ECONOMY OF GOD, THE […]

What is God’s will for us? How can we be one with His will for us?(conference in Paris May 2011)

Praise the Lord, I was encouraged in the recent conference we had in Paris that our God has His own will! Sometimes we are following our natural concept and thinking and ask ourselves, What’s the will of God for me? What is God’s will for my life? What does God want me to do? The answer […]

Don’t let your pride hinder you from being saved daily! (college age conference sharing)

What is life? John 14:6a says, Jesus said to him, I am the way and the reality and the life. Life is the source that causes us to realise Christ. This realisation causes us to be in reality which puts us on the way! What does this life do for us? John 4:14 says, But […]

the spirit is in the soul, the soul in the body, and the body is in time(college age conference sharing)

Praise the Lord for this past College Age Conference – it really refreshed my love and my consecration towards the Lord Jesus! It reminded me that I am such a thirsty sinner just like the Samaritan woman when she came to draw water from the well (John 4). We keep on drinking the worldly water […]

did you know that Christ is lovable? Just love Him!(college age conference sharing)

Praise the Lord for the College Age Conference in Wales! I really treasure this time every year. It is always an enjoyable weekend to be in the countryside (away from all the technology and the negative aspects that turn us away from Christ) with the saints, just to appreciate and love only Christ! There is […]

all the cases in John represent us: we need Christ!(college age conference sharing)

The recent students conference in Wales overall revived my spirit to a great extent. The Gospel of John starts making sense for me. In a way, we are all the nine cases recorded in John: we are moral, immoral, dying, impotent, thirsty, hungry, bondaged in sin, blind in religion, and ultimately we are dead. I […]