We believers in Christ can become a reproduction of Christ as our model by experiencing Christ as the One living in us, being formed in us, and making His home in our hearts; we can live the same way He lived by living Christ, that is, by Christ living in us today. The Lord Jesus […]
About a God-man in Christ
A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily <a href="https://agodman.com/about-agodman-a-normal-christian/">enjoyer of Christ</a>, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!
A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!
Become a Reproduction of Christ by Living Christ: We Live Christ and He Lives in us
Enjoy the Riches of the Divine Life to become a Reproduction of Christ as our Model

As believers in Christ, we may become a reproduction of Christ as our model; He is our model, the underwriting, which we can trace and copy in our daily living not by outwardly imitating Him but by inwardly enjoying Him, partaking of His riches, and letting Him be revealed in us, make His home in […]
Our Priestly Service must Originate from God and be According to His Limitation
![But we will not boast beyond [our] measure but according to the measure of the rule which the God of measure has apportioned to us, to reach even as far as you. 2 Cor. 10:13](https://i0.wp.com/agodman.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/03/But-we-will-not-boast-beyond-our-measure-but-according-to-the-measure-of-the-rule-which-the-God-of-measure-has-apportioned-to-us-to-reach-even-as-far-as-you.jpg?fit=300%2C169&ssl=1)
As believers in Christ who are part of the holy and royal priesthood, we carry out our priestly service to the Lord; this service must originate from Him as the God of measure, and it must be according to His leading and His limitation. Amen! This week we have been enjoying the matter of life […]
We’re God’s Spiritual House and the Holy Priesthood Offering up Spiritual Sacrifices

As believers in Christ, we are a holy priesthood, the coordinated body of priests, to be the built-up spiritual house, and our corporate priestly service is to tell out as the gospel the virtues of the One who has called us so that we may offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. […]
Put Away Malice and Drink the Guileless Milk of God’s Word to Grow for God’s Building
![How sweet are Your words to my taste! / [Sweeter] than honey to my mouth! Psa. 119:103 If you have tasted that the Lord is good. 1 Pet. 2:3](https://i0.wp.com/agodman.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/03/How-sweet-are-Your-words-to-my-taste-Sweeter-than-honey-to-my-mouth-Psa.jpg?fit=300%2C169&ssl=1)
In order for us to grow in life for God’s building, we must away all malice and guile and evil speakings and we must be nourished with the guileless milk of God’s word; as we feed on Christ as the milk-Christ we are transformed with Him as the stone-Christ and are built up as the […]
We need to Grow in Life for God’s Building and let the Cross Deal with any Obstacle

Since God’s building is living, it is growing; the actual building up of the church as the house of God is by the believers’ growth in life, and we need to grow in life for the building and deal with any obstacle to the growth and release of the divine life. Amen! Praise the Lord, […]
We need to Grow in Life and be Transformed to be Living Stones for God’s Building

God’s goal is to have a spiritual house built up with living stones; Christ came to us as the incorruptible seed to grow in us and produce us as living stones for God’s building, and we as believers come to Him as a living stone to become living stones through regeneration and transformation. Amen! The […]