at His second return Christ will recover the earth and solve all the problems of humanity!

at His second return Christ will recover the earth and solve all the problems of humanity!When the Lord Jesus came the first time, He took care of the spiritual problems of mankind – He took care of our personal problem, dying for our sins, delivering us from sin, Satan, and the world.

In His second coming, the Lord Jesus will deal with all the problems on the earth! When He returns, the Lord will take care of all the social problems and will remove the human system.

Our personal salvation has been taken care of, we have the divine life, but there are still many problems today – when the Lord Jesus will return, He will deal with the social system and the human society!

Christ will recover the whole earth!

There are so many problems in this world – there are many vices, the political system is very unhealthy, there are many contradictions in the human institutions, the future looks gloomy…

The more people consider this situation, the more they are confused – and the more problems come! How can someone survive in the next generation?

There is food shortage, there’s much injustice, the prisons are full with people, there are crisis between nations, cultures, races, religions, etc … What should our attitude be as Christians, as believers in Christ?

Hallelujah, God has prepared a solution for all these problems! It is not through our doing something today outwardly, but it is at the Lord’s second return that all these problems will be solved! At His first coming, the Lord saved us individually and He settled the spiritual problems.

When He returns, the Lord Jesus will fully deal with all the social problems and all the above problems, and He will fully recover the earth! The Earth is the Lord’s! It doesn’t belong to Satan and it doesn’t belong to man only – the earth is the Lord’s!

A summary of the Psalms concerning the earth

In the Psalms the earth is mentioned so many times! At least 190 times the earth is mentioned – God wants to gain the earth! Psa. 24:2 says that the earth was created.

Psa. 24:1 says that the earth is the Lord’s and all its fullness. Psa. 2:8 says that the earth has been given to Christ as His possession. Psa. 96:13 we see that Christ will come back to take the earth. Psa. 8:1 says that His name will be excellent in all the earth!

Psa. 72:8 tells us that Christ will reign over the whole earth! Psa. 45:16 says that Christ will make His saints princes in all the earth.

How will the earth respond to Christ’s recovering work of the earth? There are many verses in the Psalms showing the positive reaction of the whole earth to Christ’s reign. The earth will return to Christ (Psa. 22:27).

The earth will remember Christ (Psa. 22:27). The earth will worship Christ (Psa. 22:27). The earth will praise Christ (Psa. 98:4). And the whole earth will be filled with His glory (Psa. 72:19). Who does the earth belong to? The earth belongs to Christ! The whole earth is the Lord’s!

The earth is the consummate point in the Psalms

The Psalms speak about Christ, the house, the city, and the earth, and the consummate point of each of the five books of the Psalms is the earth! What God is after is the earth – He wants to recover the earth and rule with His overcomers over the whole earth! I was impressed with how every book of the Psalms ends with God gaining the earth and having His glory fill the earth.

  1. Book 1 of Psalms ends with Psa. 22-24 – in Psa. 22 we see Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection, in Psa. 23 we see Christ’s shepherding in His heavenly ministry, which leads to a coming day in Psa. 24, when the earth is Jehovah’s and its fullness thereof! Open up, Gates! Let the King of Glory come in! Book 1 of Psalms ends with, the earth is the Lord’s!
  2. Book 2 of Psalms speaks about the house and the city, but the conclusion is in Psa. 72 which climaxes in Christ’s reign over the whole earth! When Christ comes back, He will reign by dropping like rain upon mown grass, like abundant showers dripping on the earth! In His days the righteous will flourish, and there will be abundance of peace! Christ will have dominion from sea to sea! Christ will solve all the problems of humanity, and He will reign over the whole earth – His glory will fill the earth!
  3. Book 3 of the Psalms is on Christ, the house, the city, and it ends with Psa. 89 on, The Earth! He sets His hands on the seas, His right hand on the rivers, He is the highest of the kings of the earth! The Lord will take possession of the seas, the rivers, the mountains, the land, and all the earth! He is the King of Kings, highest than any king on the earth!
  4. Book 4 of the Psalms speaks on Christ, the house, the city, and the central part is on the recovery of the earth – see Psa. 93-101! The title of the earth and the rights of the earth belong to Christ!
  5. Book 5 ends in Hallelujah, the King reigns! Christ is the king, He is exalted, the earth is full of joy, singing, praising, and shouting! There’s so much praise to the Lord for His recovering Christ, the house, the city, and mainly the whole earth! Hallelujah for Christ who recovers the earth!

Christ will solve the unsolvable problems of humanity

There are many problems today on the earth that are seemingly unsolvable. People make revolutions, there’s much social unrest, there are many demonstrations, there’s much speaking in politics, there is the United Nations, etc – no one can solve the problems of humanity!

There are at least seven problems that are unsolvable – but they will be solved at Christ’s second return!

  1. The ecological problem – when the Lord returns, He will be like the shower over the whole earth, and He will take care of all the ecological problems. He will really take care of the environment, making everything flourish and blossom.
  2. The territorial problems – there is much disputes about the boundaries of nations and countries. When the Lord Jesus returns, there will be abundance of peace! The moon will be no more – the sun will never set in Christ’s kingdom, He will reign from sea to sea, and from the river to the ends of the earth! Christ will take care of all the territorial problems – there will be peace!
  3. The racial problems – no one can solve this problem, but when Christ returns, all the nations and the races will bring gifts to Him and they will bow down to Him! Christ will bring in the real peace between all the races in the world. There will be no more hatred and bullying, no more hating and criticizing!
  4. The political problems – there is much corruption, greediness, injustice, immorality, and all kinds of problems in the political system everywhere. When Christ returns, all the nations will serve Him – there is no more need for the United Nations, Christ will reign and everyone will serve Him!
  5. The economical problems – When He returns, Christ will deliver the needy and He will have compassion on the poor and the oppressed! No one can serve the economical problems today, no matter how much influence and power and money one has – but Christ will take care of this problem!
  6. The social injustice – there is a difference between the poor and the rich, there are different classes of people, there’s much oppression, there is violence, slavery… All these will vanish – Christ will restore the earth, He will solve the problems of the social injustice, and He will reign in righteousness which brings in Justice!
  7. Violence and crime – when Christ returns, there will no more need for police, because there will be no more crimes or violence! There will be no more need for prisons – Christ will reign in righteousness and peace will be in all the earth!

Hallelujah, Christ’s second return will solve all the unsolvable problems of humanity, including the problem of problems, the problem behind all the problems, Satan! The whole earth will be recovered to Christ and will rejoice – Christ will reign over the earth in peace and righteousness, and the earth will be recovered through God’s reigning in Christ and His kingdom!

We just have to give ourselves to the Lord to be produced as the overcomers today that hasten His return! Our hope is not in this age – we hope in Christ’s coming the second time!

[sharing inspired from the first part of brother Andrew Yu’s message on, The Recovery of the Earth through God’s reigning in Christ and His kingdom (msg. 11), given in the Crystallization-Study of Psalms (2). Wow, Come, Lord Jesus! Christ’s second return is the real solution to all the problems, and in His second coming Christ will recover the whole earth! Picture source: World problems ]

About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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Sister in the Lord
Sister in the Lord
13 years ago

Hallelujah, God has prepared a solution for all these problems! Christ’s second return will solve all the unsolvable problems of humanity, including the problem of problems, the problem behind all the problems, Satan!

The whole earth will be recovered to Christ and will rejoice – Christ will reign over the earth in peace and righteousness, and the earth will be recovered through God’s reigning in Christ and His kingdom! 

We just have to give ourselves to the Lord to be produced as the overcomers today that hasten His return! Our hope is not in this age – we hope in Christ’s coming the second time! AMEN!!!

Ofelia Cabahug on Fa
13 years ago

The Lord in His coming is the real and the only solution! What a glorious hope! Praise the Lord!

Daniel Kim on Facebo
13 years ago

Amen. Come Lord Jesus!!

Kate Irvine on Faceb
13 years ago

The Lord is the answer

13 years ago

Hallelujah,at His second return Christ will recover the earth and solve all the problems of humanity!

13 years ago

Да,Господь Иисус,воздвигай новое поколение Назареев,которые приведут Тебя на землю – житием Богочеловека!

Sister in the Lord
Sister in the Lord
13 years ago

Hallelujah, God has prepared a solution for all these problems! Christ’s second return will solve all the unsolvable problems of humanity, including the problem of problems, the problem behind all the problems, Satan!

 The whole earth will be recovered to Christ and will rejoice – Christ will reign over the earth in peace and righteousness, and the earth will be recovered through God’s reigning in Christ and His kingdom! 

We just have to give ourselves to the Lord to be produced as the overcomers today that hasten His return! Our hope is not in this age – we hope in Christ’s coming the second time!” AMEN!!!