Arriving at the High Peak of the Divine Revelation and Living a God-man life

Arriving at the High Peak of the Divine Revelation and Living a God-man life [in the picture: Psa. 82:6]

As we are going through the Minor Prophets and looking at the crystals in these books, we have a deep realization of God’s desire to bring in a new revival.

On our side, we pray that God would revive us and restore us (Mal. 3:2), and on His side, He promises that in the last days He will pour out His Spirit upon all flesh that there will be a revival (Joel 2:28-29).

How can God bring in a new revival today?

According to the high peak of the divine revelation in the Bible, there are three elements to the new and ultimate revival which will also consummate this age.

We can enter into the new revival by arriving at the highest peak of the divine revelation through the ministry of the age (which is the revelation of God’s economy), by living the life of a God-man, and by shepherding people according to God.

When these three matters are being practiced among us in the church life, we will enter into a new revival which will consummate this age and bring the Lord back!

Lord, make us those who see God’s economy, live a God-man life, and shepherd people according to God! Lord, bring us into the new revival, the revival that will end this age and will bring in the age of the kingdom!

Arriving at the High Peak of the Divine Revelation

The Bible is full of revelation, full of light, and full of divine speaking – but what is the highest peak of the divine revelation? Is it that God wants to walk with man and work with man as one? Or is it the Body of Christ?

If we carefully read the heart of the Bible, Paul’s Epistles to Ephesians, Colossians, Philippians, and Galatians, and especially if we read the footnotes in the Recovery Version, we will see that there’s a diamond in the box of the Bible.

There is a high peak of the divine revelation which is unveiled to us through the ministry of the age – the revelation of the eternal economy of God (Eph. 1:10; 3:9; 1 Tim. 1:4).

God’s economy is that God became a man to make man God in life and nature but not in the Godhead.

This is the mystery hidden from the ages, which the Old Testament saints did not see, and the New Testament believers are being brought into the realization of.

God became a man that man may become God. This is God’s economy! It is God’s desire to become man, joining and mingling Himself with man, so that man may become God in life and in nature, but not in His Godhead.

The Godhead, God’s attribute of all-inclusiveness, the Headship, the Fatherhood, the God-head, the omnipresence, the omniscience – all these belong to God and we will never become these.

But by virtue of being born of God to be children of God (John 1:12-13), we have God’s life and God’s nature, and we daily grow in life to become mature God-men!

What manner of love God has shown us that we would be called children of God – and the world doesn’t see this, can’t understand this, and doesn’t want to accept this (1 John 3:1). But when the Lord returns we will be even as He is because we will see Him and we will be transfigured to become like Him (v. 2).

Seeing the High Peak and Rising Up to Pray

If God has mercy on us and if He removes the veils of religion, old concepts, human opinions, and anything that hinders us to see God’s economy, we will see that the entire Bible speaks of God’s desire to be one with man in an organic way.

We believers in Christ are not only Christians or believers – we are God-men, God-man-kind, born of God with His divine life and nature.

Christ was the first God-man, and we follow Him to be like Him, to be His reproduction and exact duplication on the earth as His Body.

When we see this revelation, we will spontaneously rise up to pray that God will give us a new revival – a revival that has never been recorded in human history!

Lord, unveil us to see the diamond in the box! Cause us to see Your economy to become man that man may become God in life and nature but not in the Godhead. Praise You for begetting us as children of God – now we have God’s life, God’s nature, and God’s expression! Lord, we pray that all believers would see this and be revolutionized! Cause us to see that we are God-men! We are not only believers or Christians – we are God-men, men yet God!

Living the Life of a God-man

When we see this, we will be revolutionized! We will realize that God's unique work in the universe and throughout the generations is to work Himself in Christ into His chosen people, making Himself one with them and making them one with Him to have one life and one living! We first need to see what we are – we are not merely men, we are not only believers in Christ, and we are not just Christians; we are God-men. We are another kind – no longer merely mankind, but God-man kind!

When we see this, we will be revolutionized! We will realize that God’s unique work in the universe and throughout the generations is to work Himself in Christ into His chosen people, making Himself one with them and making them one with Him to have one life and one living!

When we see the God-man living our Forerunner and Elder Brother Christ had on the earth, we will be not only inspired but also encouraged to really pray,

Lord, You are the First God-man and we are the many God-men following You! Lord, You lived not by Your human life but by the divine life to express the Father. You are now our life and our person. Lord, You are one with us – You are even us. We want to deny ourselves, be conformed to Your death, and put ourselves aside. Lord, we want to live a God-man life one with You! Save me from living merely by my human life or by my good nature – may You come in and fill me with Your life and nature to be my constitution and also my expression!

It is a great blessing to know that we are God-men. It is the greatest good news that we can ever tell someone, which is that God became a man in order to make man God, the same as He is in life and nature but not in the Godhead.

Psa. 82:6 says, I said, You are gods, and all of you are sons of the Most High.

How can we be content with anything else? Can you be content with being made a better human being? Are you happy with only being a good Christian?

Do you want to be a typical Chinese, American, British, Ghanaian, Nigerian, Philippino, Romanian, Australian, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese  Swedish, Norwegian, Bulgarian, Turkish, Greek, Latvian, Lithuanian, or any other nationality?

Do you want to be merely a Christian or a Believer in Christ? We should all declare that we want to live the life of a God-man!

We want to be the overcomers, the Zion within the churches, those who bring the Lord back! We want to live a life which is the reproduction of the God-man living Christ had when He was on the earth!

This will bring in a new revival which has never been seen in history, and this will end this age!

Lord, we want to live the life of a God-man! Lord, we choose to deny ourselves and not live according to our human nature. We are God-men, and we choose to live by the divine life in our spirit. Lord, bring in a new revival by gaining a corporate living of the many perfected God-men!

References and Further Reading
  • Sharing inspired from portions in Life-study of 1 & 2 Chronicles (message 4), as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, Crystallization-Study of the Minor Prophets, week 12 (entitled, The Revival Revealed in the Minor Prophets).
  • Hymns on this topic:
    # Did you know that I’m a God-man? / A three-part man mingled with the Triune God, / And I have a spirit / Where the enemy has no way, no hope, no ground… / I am a God-man!
    # I’m pressing on the God-man way, / New Christ I’m gaining every day, / Still groaning through this world of strife / I want to live a God-man life!
    # God fell in love with man; / For only God’s love can / Make man just the same as He / In life and in nature. / We are His expression, / His bride, His enlargement; / Forever, together, / As living, insep’rable as one couple / Eternally.
About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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12 years ago

In God’s view mankind is a negative term referring to fallen man. As believers in Christ and children of God, we are not mankind—we are God-man kind. To realize this is to be changed, even revolutionized. When we realize that we are God-men, we will say, “Lord, You are the first God-man, and we are the many God-men following You. You lived a human life, not by Your human life but by God’s divine life to express Him….Lord, You are my life today and You are my person. You are just me. I therefore must die. I need to be conformed to Your death. I have to be crucified to die every day to live a God-man’s life, a human life yet not by my human life but by the divine life, with Your life and Your nature as my constitution to express You in Your divine attributes, which become my human virtues.” This makes us not just a Christian or a believer in Christ but a God-man, one kind with God. This is the highest point of God’s gospel. (Life-study of 1 & 2 Chronicles, pp. 15, 27-28)

Bethwyn Pontigon on
12 years ago

amen! Thank you Lord Jesus for we are the God-men, we praise you and we love you.