The sevenfold intensified Spirit is the seven lamps of fire to burn, enlighten, expose, judge, purify, and refine us to produce the golden lampstands for the fulfillment of God’s New Testament economy (Rev. 4:5).
These days we have been getting into the matter of the golden lampstand – it’s significance, the type, the application, and what does it mean in our experience as Christians.
We have seen that the lampstand in Exodus 25 typifies Christ, the lampstand in Zechariah 3 typifies the Spirit, and the seven lampstands in Revelation 1 typify the local churches as the reproduction of Christ and the reprint of the Spirit.
The seven lamps of the lampstand are the seven Spirits of God, who are burning before the throne of God to carry out His administration on the earth.
Today the world situation is NOT under the control or decision of a few great men people call “kings”, “presidents” or “prime-ministers”, neither is it under many organizations like UN, NATO, etc. The world situation today is under the flaming of the seven Spirits of God, who are running to and fro to administrate the whole world for the golden lampstands to be produced so that God may have a corporate expression on the earth.
These seven Spirits of God are like fire for burning, judging, refining, and purging, and they become ultimately a river of water of life for supplying, nourishing, and thirst-quenching for eternity in the New Jerusalem.
Today we in the church life and the whole world are under the flaming of the seven Spirits of God so that the golden lampstands may be produced for God’s expression and testimony on the earth!
The Entire World Situation is Under God’s Rule
The heavens rule. In the center of all things, God is enthroned and He rules and reigns. God is carrying out His economy by administrating the whole universe for His purpose. This means that the entire world situation is under God’s control and His rule.
If you read the news, you may be discouraged or disappointed with what is going on; but we need to be reminded that behind the scenes it is not the human government or rulers that are the deciding factor – it is God’s throne.
All the world leaders and the rulers are under the flaming of the seven Spirits of God, who are before God’s throne running to and fro to administrate the world situation for God’s economy (Rev. 4:5).
Christ is the Ruler of the kings of the earth and He carries out His mission by the seven burning Spirits of God.
God in Christ as the sevenfold intensified Spirit burns and purges the believers in all the churches so that they may be purified and produced as the golden lampstands for God’s testimony and expression.
Also, God in Christ as the sevenfold intensified Spirit burns and rules the entire world situation for the churches to be produced and built up.
The international affairs, the world situation, the national situation, the regional situation, and every situation in the world is under the control and burning of the seven Spirits of God, so that the church may be produced and built up to be God’s expression on the earth. The entire world situation is under God’s rule!
Do Not be Disappointed with Today’s Situation
Our God is a consuming fire (Heb. 12:29) – He is holy, and He cannot tolerate sin, the natural man, the flesh, or anything that is not of Himself. Even though God chose us to be His children and His people, we still need to go through the process of transformation so that we as men of clay would be transformed into His image to be the same as He is in life, nature, and expression.
As we get closer and closer to the end of this age, we realize that the Spirit of God has been intensified sevenfold and He is the seven lamps of fire, burning and judging anything that is not according to God.
If we look around us, we will see the rottenness, the corruption, and the immorality in today’s human society. The entire world situation is in a sad state, very much against God and even ignoring God. Even in the general Christianity, the Christendom today, there are very few who are one with God and express God according to His purpose.
But we should not be disappointed with the weakness in the church, the deplorable state of today’s society, or the immorality around us. We believe in God, who today is the seven burning Spirits controlling and directing the world situation and the churches to judge, purify, purge, and refine us, the believers in Christ, so that a pure golden lampstand may be produced!
Look to this One today who operates all over the world, in all the churches, all the time as the sevenfold intensified Spirit to carry out God’s economy and purify the saints, transforming them to be part of the pure golden lampstand, God’s testimony on earth!
Being Open to the Burning and Judging of the Seven Spirits of God
We just need to be open to the Lord today. The entire world is against God, rejecting Him, denying Him, and refusing to hear from Him. But we need to simply open to Him today and tell Him,
Lord, come in as the divine flame and judge us, purify us, and refine us. Lord, produce the golden lampstand, and make us part of Your corporate expression on the earth!
Don’t close your being to the Lord’s shining and His burning. Don’t shut yourself up, don’t hide from Him, and don’t run away from His speaking and His burning. We need to learn to open every corner of our being to Him so that He may shine in us, expose us, purge us, and purify us for the producing of the golden lampstand.
As He burns away all the negative and natural things, the Spirit also supplies us as the river of water of life (Rev. 22:1). The burning fire becomes the river of water of life to supply us, nourish us, and saturate us. The seven Spirits burn in us and purge us until there’s a river of water of life flowing in us and making us the New Jerusalem!
Today we may experience a lot of burning and purifying, but we also experience a lot of inward flowing of life. The refining fire with the supplying water produces the lampstands, the churches in this age, which will consummate in the New Jerusalem.
We are now in the process of transformation, of intensification, to be produced as the overcomers, the shining ones in this age.
It takes an intense work for God to transform a human being and make him an overcomer. But by the operation of the sevenfold intensified Spirit within us as Christ’s seeking believers, we are intensified to become the overcomers to build up the Body of Christ, which consummates the New Jerusalem!
Lord Jesus, keep us open to You as the seven Spirits coming in to judge us, purify us, and refine us for the producing of the golden lampstand. Lord, keep us open to Your transforming and intensifying work today. We open to You as wide as You can. Come in, Lord, and remove all the barriers, the hindrances, the impurities, and anything that doesn’t match You in us. Burn in us, o Holy Flame, and purify us to be the golden lampstand. Keep us enjoying You as the flowing river of life to be supplied in the process of transformation! Lord, we just open!
References and Further Reading
- Sharing inspired from brother Minoru Chen’s sharing in this message and portions in, God’s New Testament Economy (by Witness Lee, ch. 23), as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on Crystallization-Study of Daniel and Zechariah, week 9 (entitled, The Vision of the Golden Lampstand and the Two Olive Trees).
- Hymns on this topic:
# Now my eyes begin to see / I’m living as I ought to be, / As this turning, burning God / moves in my heart… / I don’t care now how I feel; / I just know that this is real, / And I know, oh Jesus, You’re alive!
# Lord, I love You: / Lord, take my heart. / Lord, saturate me. / Fill every part with Your life divine. / Lord, I now surrender all to You. / Keep me turning to You every day. / Until I’m expressing only You always. / Until I’m expressing only You.
# Burn, burn, O love, within my heart, / Burn fiercely night and day, / Till all the dross of earthly loves / Is burned, and burned away. - Pictures credit: both via, Inspiration Unlimited Facebook page, HWMR Daniel and Zechariah Quotes album.
The believers in Christ,purify,purge,and refine us.
Every day, every morning, and every evening, we need to pray, "Lord, come; we are open to You! We open every avenue of our being to You." May The Lord have mercy on us, that we would be open to Him as the seven burning Spirits, so that He has a way to produce a pure golden lampstand.
I am marinating on the intense work God has done in me and continues to do in me. It is a wonder and miracle what He does. It encourages me to look back, reflect just how far I’ve come. Yet, I see how far I still need to go. I yield and submit, say Yes. I have come too far to quit. I press toward the Mark of the High Calling.