being recovered to eating Christ as the tree of life: we are Christians who eat the Lord!

being recovered to eating Christ as the tree of life: we are Christians who eat the Lord!Today we are in the church age, and in so many ways we can see the degradation of the church in general. These are the last days in which the Lord wants us to be recovered back to His original intention, back to the beginning!

The Lord wants to recover us back to eating the Lord as the tree of life – this is the most basic thing in the church life. In the beginning it was like this – the tree of life was there for man to eat. Today we need to learn to be simple: just eat the Lord Jesus as the tree of life!

We are Christians who Eat the Lord!

What is a Christian? A real and genuine Christian is one born of God who daily eats the tree of life. God ordained us for this – that we would eat the Lord daily and even for eternity! What must Christians do? Christians must regularly eat the Lord.

What kind of Christian are we? We are Christians who eat the Lord daily. What kind of church do we have? We are part of the church whose members eat the Lord. We Christians are a Christ-eating people – we eat the Lord! This is the Lord’s recovery – the Lord is recovering the matter of eating Him!

Christianity today in general has lost the matter of eating the Lord, focusing on many outward practices, doctrines, methods, formalities, and all kinds of replacements to eating the Lord. But we in the Lord’s recovery need to see that we have the RIGHT to eat the tree of life!

Rev. 22:14 says, “Blessed are those who wash their robes that they may have right to the tree of life and may enter by the gates into the city“. We wash our robes and we eat the tree of life! What a mercy it is to be brought back to the beginning – back to God’s original intention, back to eating the Lord!

Eating God Organically and Assimilating Him Metabolically

Eating the Lord as the tree of life is so simple – we just open to Him and take Him in as life by calling on His precious name, pray-reading His Word, opening our heart to Him, fellowshipping with Him and with the saints, etc.

This is what we were designed and created for – we are vessels to contain God (Rom. 9:21, 23; 2 Cor. 4:7) and we can eat, digest, and assimilate God as our food supply (see John 6:57). God wants to be enjoyed by us, eaten by us, digested by us, and assimilated by us to become our very fiber, our very constitution!

When we eat physically, we digest and assimilate the physical food and we are energized and strengthened to live a proper and healthy human life! The food then is, mysteriously yet organically, dispensed into every cell and fiber of our being through the blood stream, until the food we eat becomes our very constitution.

It is the same with God – God is in Christ to be the tree of life, our food supply. His desire is to be dispensed into every part of our being by our eating God organically to assimilate Him metabolically. God wants to become constituted into us, to be dispensed into every fiber of our being!

Eating Christ is the Primary Matter in the Church Life

In the church life the primary matter should not be anything else but eating Christ as the tree of life. Enjoying Christ as our life supply, eating Jesus in the Word daily, and taking God in as life – this should be the primary matter in the church life.

The church life should be filled and enriched with much eating of Christ, much assimilating of the element of God into our being! We need to recover our first love for the Lord by eating Jesus daily.

The content of the church life depends on our eating the Lord daily. “Loving the Lord, enjoying the Lord, and being the testimony of the Lord go together” (life-study of Revelation).

[sharing inspired from, The Lord’s Recovery of Eating, and, The Divine Dispensing for the Divine Economy, as quoted the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, The Four Great Pillars in the Lord’s Recovery. ]

Lord, save us from any degradation creeping in the church today! Keep us eating You as the tree of life. Lord, You are our life and our life supply – You are the tree of life! May we eat You organically and assimilate You metabolically until You become part of our being – our very constitution! Work Yourself into us, Lord, by our daily and continual enjoyment of the tree of life! Lord, fill the church life with much eating of Jesus, much enjoyment of God!

About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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enjoyer of Christ on
enjoyer of Christ on
13 years ago

What must Christians do? Eat the Lord! What kind of Christian are you? We are Christians who eat the Lord. What kind of church do you have? A church that eats the Lord. Christians are people who eat the Lord. What is the Lord recovering? The Lord is recovering the matter of eating Him.
God's eternal plan is to dispense Himself into us so that He becomes every fibre of our inward being. He wants to be digested and assimilated by us so that He can become the constituent of our inward being.
Eating the tree of life, that is, enjoying Christ as our life supply, should be the primary matter in the church life. The content of the church life depends upon the enjoyment of Christ!

A God-Man
13 years ago

I particularly enjoyed the relationship between loving the Lord with our first love and eating Christ as the tree of life (see. Rev. 2). The church in Ephesus has lost her first love for the Lord, but the reward for the overcomers in that church was that they will be given to eat of the tree of life which is in the middle of the Paradise of God! Praise the Lord – today when we eat the Lord as the tree of life, our love for Him is recovered!

How can we have a renewed love towards the Lord? Eat the tree of life! How can we love the Lord with the first love? Eat Christ as the tree of life! Eating Jesus is the way – and we need to be recovered to eating the tree of life every day! There's no other way – eating the tree of life is the ONLY way!

Ofelia Cabahug on Fa
13 years ago

The food that we eat becomes us, and we become what we eat. It is impossible to locate/separate the food that we eat once it is being digested and assimilated into our body. In the same way, as we enjoy Christ and eat Him as the real food and drink, He becomes us and we become Him – it is impossible to be separated! Lord, keep us eating Christ and drinking Christ to be constituted with Christ! Become our life, Lord, in such an organic and subjective way!

13 years ago

And that, my friend, is what Communion – the Holy Eucharist- is all about.  But Catholics eat the Body of Christ LITERALLY, just as Jesus told us to do, and showed us how to, at the Last Supper.

a God-man in Christ
13 years ago
Reply to  Chris

Hello Chris, the Roman Catholic church has made this a form, something outward, and something very mysterious and intangible. What God intended from the very beginning of the Bible and of creation is that He wants to be man's food, man's life supply, in a spiritual sense! Yes, we do celebrate it weekly / as often as we can in the communion at the Lord's Table meeting, but the reality of it is our experience DAY by DAY! We can eat Christ as the Tree of life by simply calling on His name – Oh, Lord Jesus! By praying to Him, by opening to Him, and by praying over His Word, we receive more of Him as the tree of life into us!

a God-man in Christ
13 years ago

I particularly enjoyed the relationship between loving the Lord with our first love and eating Christ as the tree of life (see. Rev. 2). The church in Ephesus has lost her first love for the Lord, but the reward for the overcomers in that church was that they will be given to eat of the tree of life which is in the middle of the Paradise of God! Praise the Lord – today when we eat the Lord as the tree of life, our love for Him is recovered!

How can we have a renewed love towards the Lord? Eat the tree of life! How can we love the Lord with the first love? Eat Christ as the tree of life! Eating Jesus is the way – and we need to be recovered to eating the tree of life every day! There’s no other way – eating the tree of life is the ONLY way!

a God-man in Christ
13 years ago

I particularly enjoyed the relationship between loving the Lord with our first love and eating Christ as the tree of life (see. Rev. 2). The church in Ephesus has lost her first love for the Lord, but the reward for the overcomers in that church was that they will be given to eat of the tree of life which is in the middle of the Paradise of God! Praise the Lord – today when we eat the Lord as the tree of life, our love for Him is recovered!

How can we have a renewed love towards the Lord? Eat the tree of life! How can we love the Lord with the first love? Eat Christ as the tree of life! Eating Jesus is the way – and we need to be recovered to eating the tree of life every day! There's no other way – eating the tree of life is the ONLY way!

enjoyer of Christ on campus
enjoyer of Christ on campus
13 years ago

What must Christians do? Eat the Lord! What kind of Christian are you? We are Christians who eat the Lord. What kind of church do you have? A church that eats the Lord. Christians are people who eat the Lord. What is the Lord recovering? The Lord is recovering the matter of eating Him.
God’s eternal plan is to dispense Himself into us so that He becomes every fibre of our inward being. He wants to be digested and assimilated by us so that He can become the constituent of our inward being.
Eating the tree of life, that is, enjoying Christ as our life supply, should be the primary matter in the church life. The content of the church life depends upon the enjoyment of Christ!

Stefan Misaras (

I particularly enjoyed the relationship between loving the Lord with our first love and eating Christ as the tree of life (see. Rev. 2). The church in Ephesus has lost her first love for the Lord, but the reward for the overcomers in that church was that they will be given to eat of the tree of life which is in the middle of the Paradise of God! Praise the Lord – today when we eat the Lord as the tree of life, our love for Him is recovered!

How can we have a renewed love towards the Lord? Eat the tree of life! How can we love the Lord with the first love? Eat Christ as the tree of life! Eating Jesus is the way – and we need to be recovered to eating the tree of life every day! There’s no other way – eating the tree of life is the ONLY way!

13 years ago

And that, my friend, is what Communion – the Holy Eucharist- is all about.  But Catholics eat the Body of Christ LITERALLY, just as Jesus told us to do, and showed us how to, at the Last Supper.

Stefan Misaras (
Reply to  Chris

Hello Chris, the Roman Catholic church has made this a form, something outward, and something very mysterious and intangible. What God intended from the very beginning of the Bible and of creation is that He wants to be man’s food, man’s life supply, in a spiritual sense! Yes, we do celebrate it weekly / as often as we can in the communion at the Lord’s Table meeting, but the reality of it is our experience DAY by DAY! We can eat Christ as the Tree of life by simply calling on His name – Oh, Lord Jesus! By praying to Him, by opening to Him, and by praying over His Word, we receive more of Him as the tree of life into us!

G. Toms
G. Toms
8 years ago

Come o seven spirits come your recovery work be done. Recovery our eating lord