what is in God’s heart for His people and what should our honest response be today

These days we started going through the Crystallization-Study of Isaiah (2), in the video training, and so here are some “gleanings” of what I enjoyed in the watching of the first message, entitled, Announcing the all-inclusive Christ, Jehovah the Savior, as the Glad Tidings.

I was especially impressed in the opening word with this question – What is in God’s heart for us? Lord, what is in Your heart concerning Your recovery? If You had a way in these days to open Your heart and speak the content of Your heart into the heart of the Lord’s recovery, what would that content be? Here are some things that are in God’s heart for us:

  • First of all, it is in God’s heart to make the all-inclusive Christ everything to us as reality through our experience and enjoyment of Him! No matter who we are, where we are, what we do, and even what are we seeking – eventually, we will realize that there’s only Christ here in the Lord’s recovery and also in God’s heart! There may be no answers to your problems… we only have a Wonderful Person! Of course, we can’t just “make up our mind to pursue the Lord as Paul did” – so we should not even try to do this right away. But pray that the Lord would give you a heart to pursue the all-inclusive Christ, that we would no longer be indifferent, lukewarm, or passive, but somehow constrained by the vision, drawn by the chords of the Lord’s love… Every day may we begin again the highest of all pursuits – aspiring to know the wonderful Person Emmanuel, the wonderful counselor, the mighty God, and so many things that He is! What really occupies God’s heart is His Son and making Him known to us. He wants to make this Christ the content and constituent of our being by working Himself into us! If He would speak from the heavens, He would affirm that in the centre of all He does is ONE WORK – the central work, that is, to work God in Christ into our being in such a way that God and Christ become our content, our constituent – He actually becomes us!
  • It is in God’s heart to make Himself one with us in His longing to unite, mingle, and incorporate Himself with us, and to make us one with Him in our longing to unite, mingle, and be incorporated with Him! Can you not sense this longing in God’s heart? In Isaiah 40, the first few verses start with, Comfort, o, Comfort my people… – just like in Heb. 8, where He covenants to be a God to us and we be His people. In God’s heart, there’s an unfathomable longing to unite, mingle, and incorporate Himself with us, and as He does it, this longing is also reproduced in us that we may also pray, Lord, make me one with You in the way of union, mingling, and incorporation!
  • It is in the Lord’s heart to make us His corporate expression – He wants to have on the earth thousands of local churches with saints of all cultures, backgrounds, and classes, who are perfected into the oneness of the divine glory in order to express the oneness of the Triune God corporately! He desires to have an expression through man in many places all over the earth!
  • It is in the Lord’s heart to continue among us to carry out and to consummate the divine romance, so that He may have a counterpart, His match, His duplication, so that there may be in the new heaven and new earth, as the New Jerusalem – a universal couple! What Genesis shows in type with Adam and Eve will consummate in Revelation with Christ and the church – today God’s heart’s desire is to continue and carry out His divine romance!
  • In God’s heart there is the desire to end this age! He wants to bring in another age where His beloved Israel will be restored, where the remnant will look upon Him and mourn… and the glory of God will fill the whole earth (the kingdom is manifested)! God desires to bring the age of the church to an end and begin the kingdom age, where His overcoming believers will reign with Him for a thousand years!
  • It is in God’s heart to make you and me the same as He is – in life, nature, constitution, for His eternal corporate expression! He’s working Himself into our being every day to become our life, our constitution, even become us, so that we may become Him!

These matters are in God’s heart – so I just pray, Lord, make my heart a duplication of Your heart in every possible way! Make my heart a duplication of Your loving and forgiving heart! Make the desire of Your heart become the desire of my heart! And, as to our response to when we see what’s on God’s heart… how should we respond to this?

  1. Just open to Him! Please just OPEN!!! God’s speaking is so personal – He is talking to YOU personally! He wants to speak to your heart, to your very being, in a personal way! If it is difficult for you to open, ask Him to open you!
  2. Just love Him! We don’t want to just fear God, worship God, or even just to believe God or know God – we need to love God! His heart of love is being reproduced and duplicated in our heart…
  3. Just seek Him! May there be no element from Laodicea among us, may we not be satisfied with what we are, and may we not measure ourselves by ourselves and find ourselves OK! We really need to receive grace from the Lord to see that we are not OK in ourselves – we need Him! Pray for a seeking heart and a seeking spirit!
  4. Just be one with Him to express Him!

O, Lord, continue to speak to us! Keep us open to You! Open our whole being, Lord, that we may receive Your speaking! Speak to us personally, and speak to us corporately! We just want to love You, Lord… and in love to open to You every part of our being! Lord, give us a seeking heart and a seeking spirit! Save us from being satisfied with where we are! O, Lord, how we long to be one with You so that we may express You!

[Read this portion also in Spanish / Puede leer esta porción también en español, qué hay en el corazón de Dios para Su pueblo y cuál debe ser nuestra respuesta honesta hoy]

About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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