Though we Often Forsake God, we can Repent and Return to Drink Him as Living Waters

It is Jehovah's lovingkindness that we are not consumed, / For His compassions do not fail; they are new every morning; / Great is Your faithfulness. Lam. 3:22-23

Though we often forsake God and run after other things to find satisfaction, we can repent and return to drink Him as living waters in our daily life.

God is faithful to deal with our idols and bring us back to the enjoyment of Christ that we may drink of Him; though we are not faithful and fail God, we should not be disappointed but rather, repent and come back to Him to drink Him as the living water. Amen!

God’s desire in His economy is to bountifully supply us with Himself as the spiritual food and spiritual drink for us to be filled with Him and express Him.

He has become the fountain of living waters for us to drink and partake of so that we may fulfill His heart’s desire.

We were created in the image of God and according to His likeness, and we are given to drink of Him as the living water.

Hallelujah, there is a fountain of living water flowing today, and we can come to the Lord and drink!

However, instead of drinking God as living water, we many times drink of something else.

There are so many things around us that distract us, and we focus on other things apart from Christ.

So the Lord is faithful. He is faithful to expose the idols, the things and matters that replace Christ.

He is faithful in His economy, for He has called us into the fellowship of His Son, Jesus Christ.

We have been called into the enjoyment and participation in Christ, and God is faithful to keep us here.

Many things temporarily distract us and grab our attention, but the Lord keeps shining on us.

He exposes the idols. He shows us His excellence and His beauty.

And we willingly choose Him, come back to Him, repent before Him, and drink Him as the fountain of living waters.

We are not coerced to drink of the living water; we choose to drink.

On His side, the Lord has done everything and He is still doing everything.

He went through a process to become the fountain of living waters springing up and flowing out to us in Christ as the Spirit to reach us wherever we are.

Then, at the time of our regeneration, He gave us to drink, and when we drank the living water, this water became in us a fountain springing up into eternal life (John 4:13-14).

Since the time we drank of the Lord, our life changed, and we could not be satisfied with anything that this world has to offer.

We simply had to come to Him and drink of Him more and more.

Our heart, however, is deceitful and we do not know it; many times our heart sticks to things, having things, matters, and persons as its idols.

We have idols in our heart.

So the Lord is faithful to His word to shine on us, lovingly call us back to Himself, and expose the idols in our heart. How faithful is our God!

God is Faithful, but Many times we’re Unfaithful but Evil, Forsaking Him as the Fountain of Living Waters

It is Jehovah's lovingkindness that we are not consumed, / For His compassions do not fail; They are new every morning; / Great is Your faithfulness. Jehovah is my portion, says my soul; / Therefore I hope in Him. Jehovah is good to those who wait on Him, / To the soul that seeks Him. Lam. 3:22-25Our God is faithful – He called us into the fellowship of His Son and has given us to drink of Him as the fountain of living waters (Lam. 3:22-25).

However, we are many times unfaithful to the Lord.

Just like the people of Israel in the Old Testament, we many times forsake the Lord.

In Jer. 2:13 the Lord exposed the evil condition of the people of Israel; their evil was not that they did this or that evil thing before God but rather that they forsook God as the fountain of living waters.

When we forsake the Lord as the fountain of living waters, we are unfaithful to Him, and we commit two evils: we forsake God and we seek to hew out cisterns for us to drink from, which cisterns are broken and hold no water.

First, we as God’s people many times forsake God as the fountain, the source, for our enjoyment.

Second, we turn to sources other than God to drink from them, but they cannot satisfy us or fill us to make us the enlargement of God as His fullness for His expression. In God’s eyes, this is evil.

When we forsake the Lord and go after other things, persons, and matters, to find our satisfaction, this is evil.

Many of these things we go after may not be considered evil by us, for we may focus on our education or on entertainment, or we may focus a lot on things related to our human living, even Bible study or Christian work.

It is possible that we, by being involved in a Christian work, would forsake the Lord as the fountain of living waters.

When we focus on the work more than on the Lord, that work becomes a cistern, a broken cistern, which holds no water.

This is our condition many times; we seek other things that we feel will give us satisfaction.

The fact that the people of Israel hewed out cisterns portrays their toil in their human labor to make something (idols) to replace God.

The fact that the cisterns were broken and could hold no water indicates that, apart from God dispensed into us as living water for our enjoyment, nothing can quench our thirst and make us God’s increase for His expression.

We see a good example of this in John 4, where the Lord was speaking with the Samaritan woman.

Whoever drinks of this water that the world has to offer will thirst again, but whoever drinks of the water that the Lord gives us will never thirst again (vv. 13-14).

We as believers in Christ drink of the living water, but many times we still feel thirsty.

The Lord said that we will never thirst again, but we still feel thirsty.

The reason we feel thirsty is because we have replaced God as the fountain of living waters with something else.

It is so easy to replace the Lord in our heart and allow Him to be replaced with something; this is evil in the Lord’s sight.

The evil condition of the wicked is that they do not come to the Lord to eat, drink and enjoy the Lord (Isa. 57:20; cf. 55:1-2, 6-7). Oh, Lord!

Seek Jehovah while He may be found; / Call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, / And the evildoer, his thoughts; / And let him return to Jehovah, and He will have compassion on him; / And to our God, for He will pardon abundantly. Isa. 55:6-7When we forsake God as the fountain of living waters, we may do many things, but we do not come to the Lord to take Him, receive Him, taste Him, and enjoy Him – in God’s eyes, nothing is more evil than this!

May we allow the Lord to shine on our evil condition and may we repent and return to drink of Him as the living water.

We should not think that the wicked are those in the world, who don’t drink of God; we ourselves may be wicked if we forsake God as the fountain of living waters.

In the situation of Israel, because they drank of other things and forsook God, God used the Babylonians to deal with the idols and also destroy Jerusalem and even the temple, which had become an idol to them.

In our situation, many times God shows His faithfulness toward us by shining on our idols and exposing the things which replace Him as the fountain of living waters.

Furthermore, in His faithfulness, God deals with our idols to bring us back to drink of Him.

He simply wants us to repent and return to drink Him, enjoy Him, and absorb and assimilate Him so that we may be part of His increase on the earth for His corporate expression.

Thank the Lord for His faithfulness in dealing with our idols and bringing us back to Himself to enjoy Him and drink of Him!

Lord Jesus, forgive us for forsaking You as the fountain of living waters and for seeking to find satisfaction in things other than You. We return to You, Lord, as the unique fountain of living waters. We forsake any other cisterns that we may hew out for ourselves, and we come back to You as the fountain of life. Oh Lord, save us from being wicked in Your sight. Save us from being evil in not coming to You to enjoy You. Save us from doing many things for the Lord without contacting the Lord. Keep us coming to You in all things to fellowship with You and drink of You. Amen, Lord, it is Your lovingkindness that we are not consumed, for Your compassions do not fail – they are new every morning! Great is Your faithfulness! You are our portion, we hope in You, and we come to drink of You. Oh Lord Jesus, we want to draw water with rejoicing from the springs of salvation by calling on the name of the Lord! Oh, Lord Jesus!

Though we often Forsake God, we can Repent and Return to Drink Him as Living Waters

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to [His] purpose. Because those whom He foreknew, He also predestinated [to be] conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the Firstborn among many brothers. Rom. 8:28-29

If we look at the history of the children of Israel in their relationship with God, and if we also look at our history in our Christian life, we may see a lot of failures and mistakes.

It seems that all we do is just fail, for especially in the matter of our drinking, we many times drink of something else apart from the Lord.

But according to what the Bible says, no matter how evil and wicked Israel may be and how many failures we have, both Israel and we will be restored.

In Israel’s case, God promised that they would be restored and Christ would be their righteousness, redemption, and life (Jer. 31:33-34).

But this is the covenant which I will make with the house of Israel after those days, declares Jehovah: I will put My law in their inward parts and write it upon their hearts; and I will be their God, and they will be My people. And they will no longer teach, each man his neighbor and each man his brother, saying, Know Jehovah; for all of them will know Me, from the little one among them even to the great one among them, declares Jehovah, for I will forgive their iniquity, and their sin I will remember no more. Jer. 31:33-34God will come in to dispense Himself into His elect as the divine life to be their life and life law with its capacity to know God and to live God. Amen!

In our eyes, we are full of failures and mistakes; in God’s eyes, He is constantly dispensing Himself into us.

According to our assessment of our situation, we fail God so much, for even today we have sought to drink of something that is not God.

According to God’s view, He uses our mistakes and failures as opportunities to work Himself into us a little more.

God is faithful, but we’re neither faithful nor chaste, but we go after many other husbands.

And when the Lord shines on us to expose the idols, we repent and come back to the Lord.

As we repent before the Lord and even weep, the Lord is rejoicing, for He is faithful to bring us back to the enjoyment of Christ as living water.

After repenting, we should simply continue drinking the living waters by praising God, thanking Him for everything, and enjoying Him.

God is not interested in anything other than our enjoyment of Christ (see Rom. 8:28-29; Heb. 6:1a; Gen. 37:1 and footnote; 47:7 and footnote in the Recovery Version Bible).

We may think that, because of our failures, we are hopeless; however, with God, there’s no disappointment, for He uses even our failures for Him to work Himself a little more into us.

Therefore, we should not be disappointed but rather, come to the Lord, repent and return to drink God as the living water.

May our mind be renewed so we may see that our failure simply opens the way for Christ to come in to be everything to us, enabling Him to bring us on to maturity.

May we not look at our failure but repent and look to the Lord. We can simply ask for His forgiveness and then move on, contact Him, and drink Him.

The Lord doesn’t look at our failure; He doesn’t “cancel” us because of our failure.

He is not disappointed with us. We may fail God today, but He is not disappointed, for He in His faithfulness has a way of dealing with us.

He has a way to cause us to mature in the divine life and then bring us all the way into the New Jerusalem.

We should simply contact the Lord and look to Him, not look at our failure.

Once we repent, God doesn’t look at our failure anymore; He simply wants us to look away unto Him and be infused with Him as living water.

May we be brought unto maturity by the Lord as we turn to Him again and again after our many failures.

May we open to Him a little more day by day after all our failures and mistakes. God is faithful. He will do in us what He began.

God is not interested in anything other than our enjoyment of Christ. If we fail God today, we should not be disappointed. God has a way to deal with us. He has a way to cause us to mature and then to bring us into the New Jerusalem. God is patient, sympathetic, and compassionate, and He will take the time to make us mature. Every believer, whether presently weak or strong, will be in the New Jerusalem, and everyone there will be mature. Whether we seek God diligently or only a little, God has a way to make Christ our righteousness, our redemption, our life, our life law, and our life capacity so that we can be matured. Life-study of Jeremiah, pp. 29-31, by Witness LeeThough we fail Him and forsake Him, He still is faithful.

We are faithless and we fail God, but He is not disappointed.

Many times we may be disappointed with our condition or with the condition of those whom we shepherd, but God is never disappointed.

God is patient, sympathetic, and compassionate, and He takes the time to make us mature.

Every believer in Christ, whether he is strong or weak in the present, will become part of the New Jerusalem, and everyone will be mature.

We see only what is in front of us, our present situation, but God sees what we will be, and He is never disappointed.

Whether we may seek God diligently or only a little, God will have a way to make Christ our righteousness, our redemption, our life, our life law, and our life capacity so that we can be matured.

May we simply respond to Him as He shines on us so that we repent and return to drink of Him as the fountain of living waters.

And may we not be disappointed with our condition or with the condition of the ones we care for; rather, may we look away unto Jesus and drink Him and flow Him out as living waters.

All we need to do is just repent and return to drink the Lord as the fountain of living waters.

Lord Jesus, thank You for never being disappointed with us. Thank You for always being faithful to come to us as the fountain of living waters for us to drink. Amen, Lord Jesus, we love You. Shine on us. Expose our idols and have Your way of dealing with them. We just want to look away from anything else unto You so that we may enjoy You and drink of You. May our failures open the way for Christ to come in and be everything to us. Amen, Lord, have Your way to bring us on to maturity. Save us from being disappointed with our failures and mistakes. Keep us coming to You. May we learn to just repent and return to You to drink of You as the living water. May we learn not to look at our failures but to the Lord, the One who is always hopeful! Hallelujah, we will all become the New Jerusalem, and we will all arrive to maturity! Amen, Lord, we believe into You that, even though we may fail You today, You will go on in us and bring us on to maturity until we become the New Jerusalem! Praise the Lord for His faithfulness!

References and Hymns on this Topic
  • Inspiration for this article/sharing comes from the Word of God, the enjoyment in the ministry, a sharing by Ricky Acosta in the message for this week, and portions from, Life-study of Jeremiah, pp. 29-31 (by Witness Lee), as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, The Enjoyment of Christ and our Growth in Life unto Maturity (2023 Thanksgiving Blending Conference), week 1, entitled, The Enjoyment of the All-inclusive Christ as the Unique Solution to All Problems in the Church.
  • Similar articles on this topic:
    What God wants from us, a portion from, Life-Study of Jeremiah and Lamentations, Chapter 40.
    Don’t Forsake the Fountain of Living Waters, via, New Jerusalem blog.
    God presenting Himself to the children of Israel as a fountain of living waters, a portion from, Life-Study of Jeremiah and Lamentations, Chapter 12, by Witness Lee.
    Come and Drink the Living Waters! Via, Holding to Truth in Love.
    The enjoyment of the all-inclusive Christ as the unique solution to all problems in the church, an outline via, The Church in New York City.
    The Triune God, article via, Affirmation and Critique.
  • Hymns on this topic:
    – I have come to the Fountain of Life, / A fountain that flows from above; / I have passed from the waters of strife / And come to the Elim of love; / I have drunk of the heavenly well, / In the depths of my being it springs. / No mortal can measure or tell / The gladness the Comforter brings. / Oh, come to the Fountain of Life, / The fountain that never runs dry; / Oh, drink of the boundless supply, / For Christ is the Fountain of Life. (Hymns #523 stanza 1 and chorus)
    – After tasting such a fountain, / Longed my heart for a place of springs; / Caught a vision on a mountain, / In Jerusalem’s a gathering. / Then one day He found me, / He brought me to the church, / Pleasures here abound fore’er / I’ve given up my search. / Hallelujah! / Jesus, Jesus is my life now, / Jesus, Jesus is my life; / I’m fully satisfied now, / Jesus, Jesus is my life. (Hymns #1327 stanza 2)
    – Flow through me, Lord, till waters from Thy fountain / Shall slake the thirst of souls in deserts drear. / Flow through me, Lord, till arid places blossom / With roses fresh and sweet, and wondrous fair. / Flow through me, Lord, set all my heart-strings thrilling, / With Thine own love, so matchless, perfect, free. / Flow through me, Lord, till naught in earth or heaven, / Can satisfy my being, Lord, but Thee. (Hymns #249 stanzas 5-6)
About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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brother L.
brother L.
1 year ago

Whereas God is faithful, we are neither faithful nor chaste but go to many other husbands. After failing God, we may receive some mercy and grace and therefore repent and weep…While we are repenting and weeping, God is rejoicing…After repenting, we should begin to drink of the living waters, praising God, giving thanks to Him for everything, and enjoying Him. This is what God wants. God is not interested in anything other than our enjoyment of Christ. If we fail God today, we should not be disappointed. God has a way to deal with us. He has a way to cause us to mature and then to bring us into the New Jerusalem. God is patient, sympathetic, and compassionate, and He will take the time to make us mature. Every believer, whether presently weak or strong, will be in the New Jerusalem, and everyone there will be mature. Whether we seek God diligently or only a little, God has a way to make Christ our righteousness, our redemption, our life, our life law, and our life capacity so that we can be matured.

Life-study of Jeremiah, pp. 29-31, by Witness Lee

Stefan M.
Stefan M.
1 year ago

The Lord is never disappointed with us, even though we fail Him and forsake Him to seek satisfaction in so many other things.

He is faithful to shine on us, expose our idols, and help us return to Him to drink of Him as the fountain of living waters.

May we not be disappointed with our situation but keep turning to the Lord, for He will bring us on to maturity and He will make us the New Jerusalem!

Lord Jesus, keep shining on us. Show us Your beauty. Expose any idols. Draw us to Yourself. Go on in us. Bring us on to maturity. Amen, Lord, we exercise to drink of You!

Clive B.
Clive B.
1 year ago

Amen! The Lord is never disappointed with us even though we put idols before Him and yes He is faithful to shine on us to expose our idols and help us to return to Him.

In our weakness He is strong.

O Lord, help us to seek Your presence, to remain under Your wings to enjoy the resurrection life as Lazarus did.

Lord, we seek to dwell in the house of the living God all the days of our life so we can eat and drink of the fatness of Thy house.

D. S.
D. S.
1 year ago

Amen! Thank you, Lord for Your faithfulness unto us.

Expose any idols. Draw us to Yourself. Go on in us.

Bring us on to maturity. Amen. 

S. A.
S. A.
1 year ago

Amen. God will take his time to mature us.

If we should fail him today we should not be disappointed for he knows the way to deal with us so that we mature.

We are no better than Israel for anything can be idol to us, but God is faithful, compassionate, sympathetic and patient.

God is not interested in anything else besides our enjoyment of Christ.

Hallelujah, bring us to maturity in the New Jerusalem. Amen

Pak L.
Pak L.
1 year ago

Amen! Thank You, Lord Your compassions are new every morning.

Even though we fail all the time and are hopeless, Lord Your compassions do not fail!

Lord Jesus, we open to You.

Have your way in us to restore us! In all our situations we praise You and give thanks to You. Reveal this in us Lord.

Every time we fail and in a low situation, We praise You and give thanks so that You can have Your way in us.

Mature us day by day, moment by moment and bring us into the New Jerusalem.

Ade O.
Ade O.
1 year ago

O Lord! Amen!! Hallelujah!!!

Alex S.
Alex S.
1 year ago

Isn’t this wonderful?

He is taking care of us because He truly cares about us, He takes care of our hearts Lord today.

Jon H.
Jon H.
1 year ago

Amen Lord! Thank you for your mercies are new even this morning! 

The evil condition of the wicked is that they do not come to the Lord to eat and enjoy the Lord.

They do many things, but they do not come to contact the Lord, to take Him, to receive Him, to taste Him, and to enjoy Him. 

In the sight of God, nothing is more evil than this.

Lord we repent because we are no better than Israel, thank you for your mercy, keep us drinking if the fountain that never runs dry ✨

Christian A.
Christian A.
1 year ago

Amen brother.

Our God is so faithful and loving. His compassions never fail.

Even though we often fall Him, He never abandons us. How great is He.

May the Lord open the eyes of our heart so that we may see that God is ever near.

We simply need to turn back to Him as our fountain of living waters, praising Him, thanking Him and enjoying Him.

Our failure opens the way for God to come in.

Hallelujah! What a Christ have we!

A. H.
A. H.
1 year ago

Thank you for your loving kindness, thank you for your compassion, thank you for you faithfulness

M. M.
M. M.
1 year ago

Amen brother.

Doing many things is nothing for Him, except coming to Him, eating Him, and enjoying Him.

K. P.
K. P.
1 year ago

Lam. 3:22-24 It is Jehovah’s lovingkindness that we are not consumed, for His compassions do not fail; they are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness. Jehovah is my portion, says my soul; therefore I hope in Him.

O Lord Jesus, we love you!

Richard C.
Richard C.
1 year ago

As with the children of Israel, we may forsake God as our source, and turn to idols.

In so doing we are committing a great evil in God’s sight by not enjoying Him.

However, God is faithful to deal with us so that through our repenting, and His rejoicing, we can come back to Him to drink and enjoy Him, to receive more divine dispensing to bring us on to maturity.

We should not be disappointed with such failures because the one who is compassionate will not give up on us but restore us to the enjoyment of Christ to become mature ones in the New Jerusalem.


Nick H.
Nick H.
1 year ago

Thank you Lord for today. There is hope in You because with You there is no disappointment. Amen.

If we fail You today, we should not be disappointed. You have a way to deal with us.

You will by Your sovereign way will cause us to be mature and then bring us into the New Jerusalem. Hallelujah.

agodman audio
agodman audio
1 year ago
RcV Bible
RcV Bible
1 year ago

The evil condition of the wicked is that they do not come to the Lord to eat and enjoy the Lord (cf. Isa. 55:1-2). They do many things, but they do not come to contact the Lord, to take Him, to receive Him, to taste Him, and to enjoy Him. In the sight of God, nothing is more evil than this. Cf. note Isa. 55:7 – note 1. Footnote 1 on “wicked”, Isa. 57:20, RcV Bible

In the eyes of God, the wicked one, the evildoer, is the one who does not come to drink of Him (cf. note Rom. 1:5 note 3a). Isa. 55:7, footnote 1 on “evildoer”, RcV Bible

God’s unique commandment in this age, the age of grace, is that man should believe into His Son, the Lord Jesus. Whoever believes into Him will be saved; whoever does not believe has been condemned already, because he has not believed into Him (John 3:18). The Holy Spirit convicts the world of the sin of not believing into the Lord (John 16:8-9), of not obeying God’s unique commandment. When we believe into the Lord, we have the obedience of faith, and the result is grace and peace (v. 7). Rom. 1:5, footnote 3 on “obedience”, RcV Bible

Mario V.
Mario V.
1 year ago

God is faithful in His purpose to turn us from idols and bring us back to Himself.

Our peace, safety, health, and possessions may become idols to us, and God is faithful to take these things away so that we may drink of Him as the fountain of living waters.


God has a way to deal with us. He has a way to cause us to mature and then to bring us into the New Jerusalem.

God has a way to make Christ our righteousness, our redemption, our life, our life law, and our life capacity so that we can be matured.

Every real believer in Christ will reach maturity and be in the New Jerusalem. 

Praise the Lord!!!!🙏🙏🙏🥰🥰🥰

Mila L.
Mila L.
1 year ago

Amen, thank you, Lord, our failure open to You to come into our life. By enjoying You, You dispense Yourself into us, cause us to know You and experience You and live with You. Hallelujah!

Elizabeth V.
Elizabeth V.
1 year ago

Aunque a menudo abandonamos a Dios y corremos tras otras cosas para encontrar satisfacción, podemos arrepentirnos y volver a beber de Él como agua viva en nuestra vida diaria.

Dios es fiel para tratar con nuestros ídolos y hacernos regresar al disfrute de Cristo para que podamos beber de Él; aunque no seamos fieles y le fallemos a Dios, no debemos decepcionarnos, sino más bien arrepentirnos y volver a Él para beberlo como agua viva. ¡Amén!

El deseo de Dios en Su economía es suministrarnos abundantemente Él mismo como alimento y bebida espiritual para que seamos llenos de Él y lo expresemos.

Él se ha convertido en la fuente de agua viva para que la bebamos y participemos a fin de que podamos cumplir el deseo de Su corazón.

Fuimos creados a imagen de Dios y conforme a Su semejanza, y se nos da a beber de Él como agua viva.

¡Aleluya, hay una fuente de agua viva que fluye hoy y podemos acercarnos al Señor y beber!

Sin embargo, en lugar de beber de Dios como agua viva, muchas veces bebemos de otra cosa.

Hay tantas cosas a nuestro alrededor que nos distraen y nos concentramos en otras cosas aparte de Cristo.

Por eso el Señor es fiel. Es fiel en exponer los ídolos, las cosas y asuntos que reemplazan a Cristo.

Él es fiel en Su economía, porque nos ha llamado a la comunión con Su Hijo Jesucristo.
Hemos sido llamados al disfrute y a la participación en Cristo, y Dios es fiel para mantenernos aquí.

Muchas cosas nos distraen temporalmente y captan nuestra atención, pero el Señor sigue brillando sobre nosotros.

Expone los ídolos. Él nos muestra Su excelencia y Su belleza.

Monique O.
Monique O.
1 year ago

Gracias Amado por Tu fidelidad!

Cesar PT
Cesar PT
1 year ago

Amen señor Jesús, gracias porque siempre asido fiel